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Part 35:

Kim Nam Joon

"I've met with Jungkook and Yoongi hyung earlier... Jungkook was crying hard and was about to jump off the building but Yoongi hyung just stopped him on time."

I said to Jin hyung about what had just happened a while ago while I and Jin hyung are on our shift for the remaining days of our duty in the gasoline station.

"Why? What happened to Jungkook? I am a bit worried about that maknae already." Jin hyung worriedly asked while I sit on the bench that we have here just in case we get tired of standing.

"His problems are eating his sanity, hyung the kid had a lot of burdens on his shoulders right now. He told Yoongi hyung that his mother suffered from cardiac arrest.
Right after hearing that the family who took his sister will never return her no matter how much they give them. And his love flew to Japan. That kid had gone on a lot already... "

I told hyung what I had learned as he took a seat beside me. He looks like he was feeling sorry for our maknae, he is just suffering too much from the recent happenings.

"How did Yoongi know that Jungkook was there anyway? How did he know where Jungkook was that time?" he asked as I just shrugged, even I don't know what he was doing on that rooftop with Jungkook.

I am also curious about how dud Yoongi hyung had known about what was going to happen to Jungkook. He looks like he was notified just right on time that he can stop Jungkook from jumping of a building.

I also forgot to ask him about that. After talking to me and Jungkook, then leaving us his contact number he immediately left without any words telling me that he has to go back to work.

I just let him go that time after telling him to promise me to stay in touch. "I don't know, I forgot to ask him that too because I was worried about Jungkook that time." I answered him as his forehead creased.

"Why didn't you called me then? I would love to hear from Jungkook and Yoongi too. I haven't seen them for a long time now. How did you end up in there anyway?" he asked me.

"Someone anonymous text me about their location. I thought that it was just a prank or something so I didn't really believe it. On the other hand, my intuition tells me the opposite...
When I arrived there I just saw Jungkook hugging Yoongi hyung tightly while crying. I tried to call you but you were unreachable" I explained as he nodded his head.

"Probably it was around when I turned off my phone while I sleep... But whoever sent you the message was very precise and accurate with the facts that he or she had given you. What happened to Jungkook then?" he asked me again.

"I have dropped him off at their house for him to calm down, a good thing that his grandparents were there when we arrived. He was kind enough to tell me his address that's why I was able to drop him off." I said as he nodded his head.

When the clock strikes six, me and Jin hyung parted ways after the one assigned to the shift next to us arrived. I have been lost in my thoughts for the past two weeks, so I need time alone.

First on how to make Taehyung appear without thinking about him. Then lately about the one who sent me a text message earlier this morning. And Yoongi won't tell me a word about how did he end up there.

I go to the same overpass where Jeongyeon would usually be in the morning, just like in the old times. I would watch her from afar and followed her from the bus stop.

Two days, just right after two days from now I will quit my part-time job as well as Jin hyung, he will be quitting too. But up until now, I wasn't able to give her the hair tie.

An almost empty bus stopped at the bus stop as we both get inside and find an empty space to seat, slightly apart from each other. I just watched her secretly the whole time waiting for timing.

Gladly fate was on my side when she suddenly fell asleep in the ride by the time she took a seat on an empty chair. She just hung her head down like she was tired already.

I immediately went to her side silently trying to avoid making unnecessary noise to wake her up from her sleep as I placed her head on my shoulder so she would be comfortable.

I and placed the hair tie on the side zipper of her bag pack placing it on the clip lock, also making sure that it won't fall, silently and slowly trying not to wake her up...

When the stop near my apartment was approaching I secretly stole a kiss on her cheek before I lifted her head and moved it to a comfortable as I immediately press the stop button and get off like I did nothing.

I got off the bus after telling the driver where would Jeongyeon be dropping off and with a wide smile plastered on my face as I had finally given her the tie that I had been in trouble how.

But my smile had suddenly faded when a saw a cat drawing at the bus stop. It was drawn using spray paint and I clearly knew only one person who loves to do that.

"Coffee hyung, you want?" he asked me as he suddenly showed up from the back of the bus stop from I don't know while holding two cups of coffee in his hand.

"Taehyung..." I said as he showed me his boxy smile while placing the other cup of coffee in my hand. As he started taking small steps while I on the other hand walk along with him.

"I've been looking for you..." I suddenly said as he just smiled at me. "I know... Did you like my early gift to you? Have you talked to Yoongi hyung and Jungkook?
By the way, I saw what you did up there in the bus." he said as he took a sip of his coffee that made me embarrassed. He must have seen me staring at Jeongyeon for a long time.

"The aroma is making me talkative... Coffee is really not good for me." he added "You sent the message to me that day? Were you in there that time too?" I asked as he shakes his head no.

"The message? It was probably Hoseok hyung, if you could notice the building's location, the opposite to that building is where Hoseok hyung works if I am not mistaken.
But yeah let's just say that I was there before Yoongi hyung had arrived." he added as he took a bigger step ahead of me while I eventually followed and matched up with his steps again.

The coffee's aroma is really inviting so I took a sip from the cup. "This coffee is delicious... The aroma is so inviting and relaxing at the same time." I commented as he showed me the label in the cups.

"It came from my own farm hyung... It has to be delicious as I don't do a product that would not satisfy the taste of people..." he bragged while still smiling widely.

"Taehyung I want you to... Ah never mind... Just never mind it as I forgot what to say to you..." I said remembering his own logic that even I can't understand.

"Don't worry hyung I will help you... For the sake of Jimin, you won't need to force me to do it anyway. Don't call me when you will have to need my help, I will know anyway." he said as he waved his hand at me before disappearing in a swarm of people.

"That kid, he never let that mysterious personality of him be gone. Up until now it still stays with him. I wonder how will he know when but it's fine at least I don't have to force him anymore." I said as I took a sip from the coffee that he gave to me.

As I mentally laugh about a thing. He said that the aroma of the coffee made him talkative when I smelled hot chocolate from his drink instead of coffee like what he was talking about.

I wanted him to tell the truth by mentioning that the coffee was delicious but he just simply changed the topic that his farm makes it. The scent of our drinks was clearly different.

Clever... But I had known a long time ago that he doesn't drink coffee at all. He hates the bitter taste of it, he would prefer hot chocolate over coffee. Although he knows how to make coffee but doesn't drink it.

I noticed back then that he avoided coffee every time we have one. It's either he'll have milk, juice, hot chocolate, or shake. As long as there is no caffeine content in his drink.

It's really hard to understand Kim Taehyung as we don't know what runs inside that head of his. I took my phone in my pocket and called John my ever-reliable secretary.

"John set me up with a meeting with mister Jester Park and his wife on Monday morning. I will be there at the company's event at night don't worry I didn't forget what we had talked about." I said to him directly.

"But sir, why would you want to talk to mister Park? We don't have any relationship to do with their company. It's a very different field sir." John questioned me as I sighed.

"Set me an appointment with him as RM and prepare a decent proposal then send it to them. I will do the rest, and don't ask me a lot of questions." I said as I dropped off the phone call.

Monday, Jimin will be able to get out of that hospital on Monday. That will be a promise, I don't want my friend suffering from that awful place especially now that Taehyung will be helping us already.

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