Ill help you

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Carls POV

"Dammit!" Daryl yelled as Melissa shut her eyes. I crawled closer to Melissa.

"Melissa..." I mumbled. I grabbed her hand. She began to cough. Everyone looked at her. She squeezed my hand. Her eyes shot open.

"Carl!" She breathed. "Carl?!" She almost shouted. I squeezed her hand.

"I'm right here... Hey." I smiled. She looked at me. She sat up and wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her tight.

"Dad?" She whispered, letting me go. Daryl walked up to her. She hugged him, seeing he had tears in his eyes.

Melissa's POV

I woke up, seeing the group.

They're right here. I remember them and they're right here.

I stood up.

"We should stay at a house for a while... Or at least the church again or something... There's gotta be something..." I said.

"Let's find a neighbourhood and clear out some houses... Just for the time being." Rick said. We nodded and got into cars. I wrapped my arms around Carl, snuggling my face into the crook on his neck. He wrapped the arm that wasn't holding Judith around me, his hand lying gently on the back of my head, stroking my hair.

"Y'all are acting like you haven't seen each other in months." Michone chuckled.

"Oops." I smirked and closed my eyes. Judith began to play with my long, long hair. I'm gonna need to cut it soon. It's reached my mid-back. She giggled and lightly pulled on it. I opened my eyes and looked down at her.

"Come here." I smiled, sitting up straight and taking Judith from Carl. I sat her on my lap and began making faces at her. She laughed, causing the others in the car to laugh.

"Melsa!" She giggled. I smiled, remembering her first words. Just before we got to the church.

"Judy!" I giggled with her. I looked over at Carl, who was smiling at us.

Carls POV

Melissa took Judith from my arms and placed her on her lap, moving her long black hair behind her. She began to make faces at Judy, causing her to giggle. I smiled.

I looked at Melissa. Her perfect face, her smile, her blue eyes. The same blue eyes every Dixon has. I'm sure her grandfather or grandmother did, too, but I wouldn't know. And I won't dare ask about her family, knowing the past that they have.

She looked over at me, still smiling. I smiled back. Judith seems to really like her. Hopefully if I was ever gone and she was still here- what am I saying? I'll always be here to protect my baby sister and girlfriend. Always. Melissa ain't gonna die being torn apart by walkers or a bullet sent through her brain, never.

Judith laid her head on Melissa's chest, closing her eyes. She stroked Judy's hair while Melissa closed her eyes. She put her head on my shoulder. I laid my head on hers, closing my eyes as well.


I woke up and I wasn't with Melissa anymore. I sat up quickly and realized she wasn't in the car with Judith. Michone opened the passenger seat door from outside and picked up her katana.

"Melissa? And Judith? Where are they?!" I asked, panicked. Michone chuckled.

"In the house. We decided to let you sleep. You needed it." She smiled. I nodded and got out of the car, walking into the house, seeing the others.

"You should go see your boyfriend. Almost had a heart attack once he realized you weren't in the car." Michone told Melissa. She looked at me and laughed. The group turned their attention to us.

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