The purple tulip

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Rick began to run to the door.

"Wait!" I said, grabbing my crossbow.

"No, stay here, Melissa!" Rick said, beginning to open the door.

"I have just as much rights to go out there as you!" I said in a harsh whisper. He sighed and opened the door. We ran outside. Now I understand why he didn't want any of us kids outside. Trees were fallen over and walkers were basically cut in half and trapped under them. That could have been us if dad never found this barn.

I followed ricks light footsteps as we ran through the forest, looking for Carl. We wanted to yell out for him, but we couldn't risk having tons of walkers after us.

"God dammit!" I sighed. I shot any walkers that got to close with my gun(it had a silencer on it).

"Melissa, wait." Rick said, running towards me. I turned around and looked at him, breathing heavily from all the running.

"That's your son. My boyfriend. Don't even try to tell me to stop running, he wouldn't have just left, rick. He wouldn't have left me, or Judith, or even you. He would have told us, made me come with him, he wouldn't just leave. He was on watch and now he's gone. You heard the door close, he wouldn't be loud if he left. He would have snuck away. Quietly. Someone took him--" I stopped talking and backed away slowly, covering my mouth with my hand.

"What?" Rick asked.

"My mom..." I whispered. Ricks eyes went wide. He grabbed my hand and ran deeper into the woods.

I saw something near a clearing of trees.

"Rick, stop." I said, running to the clearing. I dropped to my knees at the sight. No, it wasn't carls dead body, but his hat. It had blood on it, and some around it.

I picked it up and hugged it, letting only a few tears fall. Rick dropped to his knees beside me.

"The bloods still fresh... They can't be far." Rick said. I heard leaves rustling. I shot up and ran.

"Melissa!" Ricks voice got quieter the farther I ran. The rustling seemed to be moving. I heard the rustling of the bushes again. I stopped and looked around for the source of the noise. I looked around and noticed that I had lost rick.

"Carl?" I asked quietly, holding up my crossbow.

No answer.

"Carl? Are you there?" I asked, my voice cracking at the end. I jumped a bit when I saw something move, but it was just a rabbit. Sighing, I shot a bolt through its head and picked it up.

"Rick? Carl?" I said loudly. I looked around and forgot which way I came from.

"Dammit." I sighed, my throat closing in with tears. I sat down on a rock and let a few tears fall.

Ricks POV

She went running and I couldn't keep up with her. Great. Now I'm stuck in the middle of the woods with two missing children at four in the morning.

I decided to head back to the barn to tell everybody.

"Carl! Melissa!" I shouted. I waited, but there was no answer. I took a shaky breath and looked around once again before sprinting back to the barn.

I busted though the doors, panting and sweating. Everyone was awake and alert.

"Where's Carl?"

"And Melissa?!"

"I think Carl was taken. I accidentally woke Melissa up when I was looking around for him. She wanted to come looking with me, and, well, she kinda ran off and I lost her... God, what do I do?" I asked, pacing back and forth. Daryl came up to me.

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