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""Who the hell are you and why are you in my house?" Carl asked as we listen our guns up to the back of the mans head. He stopped moving and put his hands up.

"Well, right now I'm sitting on the steps, looking at this painting, and waiting for your mom and dad to get dressed." He said. I tilted my head. "Hi, I'm Jesus."

I looked over and saw Rick and Michonne walk out of the room, Rick was putting on his belt. I looked over at Carl and lowered my gun.

"Carl. Melissa." Rick said, surprised to see us. I dropped my gun to my side and raised my eyebrows.

I heard footsteps and soon dad, Abraham, Glenn, and maggie ran up the steps with their guns pointed at 'Jesus'.

"Guys, it's okay." Michonne put her hand up, stopping them.

"Jesus. Let's talk."


We sat around the table as 'Jesus' told us about where he was from. He said he was from a place called Hilltop. There were other, and they lived by farming and such. They definitely weren't as 'developed' as us, but he said they made it work.

He also said that they work with a group called the Saviours. Their leader was a man named Negan, he told us.

"What do you mean 'work with them'?" I asked. He looked at me.

"How old are you?" He asked. I pulled my eyebrows together, unsure of how my age related to the question.

"Why does my age matter?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I'm gonna guess you're... eighteen, yeah?" He asked. I sat up straight.

"Seventeen." I told him.

"Ah, yes. You're just old enough for him to kill you--"

"Excuse me?" I asked. He put his hands up.

"Negan means business. When he finds your group, he usually kills a guy to let you know he's serious. He doesn't enjoy killing women or children, but he would if he needed to. That's why we work with him. He killed people, and he owns us. We need to give him half of everything we got and if we don't have everything he wants, he'll kill one of us." He explained. I looked over at Carl, who looked at Jesus with a glare.

"That's smart," Rick started, "so, say we kill Negan for you guys, and you're out of his deal, maybe we could work together. We could get half of your things, we work together when we need to--"

"I see that your food is low. I think it would work. You guys seem good enough, I think we can help. You'd have to talk to our leader. He makes the decisions, I just recruit." Jesus interrupted Rick. I looked at Rick, confused.

"When can we see him?"


Roc walked up to Carl and I, holding Judith in his arms. Carl stood up straight.

"Are you sure about this?" Carl asked. Rick sighed.

"No, but if this is true, this could be the start of a whole new thing. Are you coming?" Rick asked Carl and I. Carl now held onto Judith and shook his head.

"I'm gonna stay. I don't think they'd really like to see a kid with one eye. I don't think it's BE A great welcome." Carl smiled for a second. "I'm gonna stay with Judy." I looked down for a second, sighing. I wish Carl stopped thinking he was ugly. I wish I could help him.

"What about you?" Rick asked. I looked over at Carl, who reassured me with a nod.

"I'm gonna come with you." Rick nodded.

"Alright, let's go." He said, walking over to Glenn. I turned to face Carl.

"Be careful." We both said at the same time. I smiled.

"Come back safe. Love you." He said. I quickly kissed him.

"I'll come back. I love you, too." I said, hugging him. I picked up my gun and walked into the RV.

I sat beside Glenn, Maggie on the other side of him, and leaned against the wall. Dad sat across from me, fiddling with his arrows.

Almost as soon as we left, though, the trip went awry.

"What the hell is this?" I stood up and looked through the window, seeing an accident in front of us.

"We got an accident up ahead. Looks like it just happened." I looked out the window, seeing a walker trapped under an overturned car. Jesus sat up straight.

"That's one of ours!" He said quickly, gettig up. He ran out and towards the car, and we followed him. Rick walked up to him and put his gun up.

"If this is a trick, I will kill you."

"It's not a trick!" Jesus said before calming down. "My people are in trouble. We don't have a lot of fighters. I know how it looks, but I'm serious. Can I borrow a gun?"

"No." my dad said. We looked over at him. "I got tracks," he said, pointing at the ground. I walked over to him, trying to find the tracks he was talking about. We followed them to a house, and Rick walked up to it and banged on the door with his gun up.

"They gotta be in there." Jesus said. Everyone looked at him.

"We moving in or what?" Abraham asked. Dad paced around.

"How do you know this ain't firecrackers in a trash can?" Dad walked up to Rick.

"You don't,"Jesus answered. Rick nodded.

"We'll get your people. You're staying here with one of us."

Maggie decided to stay, and Rick handcuffed Jesus.

"You hear me whistle, you shoot him." Rick told Maggie as Dad stepped in between Jesus and I, making sure I wasn't near him. Maggie nodded, holding her gun up at him.

"I will."



jk I know I suck lmfao

Anyways, I'm sick and got a sudden burst of creativity and here I am

Things are gonna get interesting :)

The archer's daughter(TWD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora