Someone is here

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"Have you ever thought about what celebrity's are still alive?" I asked while smiling. Me and carl were laying on his bed, since Hershel let him leave the infirmary earlier today. We've just been asking each other stupid and useless questions all night. Carl looked at me. I laughed.

"Not until now. What celebrity's do you think are alive?" He chuckled. I thought for a moment.

"Ellen degeners." I replied.

"What?" He laughed.

"Yea. I mean, first of all, she is funny, which would attract groups to let her in and like her. And, let's be honest, her house must be pretty big, lots of hiding spots in there. She probably has security anyways, and possibly lots of food, good security systems." I shrugged and looked at Carl, who was holding back some laughter.

"I know who's house to go to next run, then." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, fine. I think Dwayne Johnson." I smiled. He nodded.

"That's honestly a better answer." Carl smiled.

"Why are you calling Ellen weak, huh?"

"I don't know, actually. We were weak before this. She is pretty tough, I can tell you that." He chuckled, looking back up at the bottom of the top bunk.

"Okay, okay. Hmm... Who was one person at school that you hated?" I asked. He thought for a second.

"Really no one." He shrugged.

"Okay, did anyone hate you?" I asked.

"No one really hated me, either." He looked at me.

"Must have been nice..." I mumbled, but he heard me.

"Who could hate you? Seriously, I find absolutely nothing wrong with you, at all!" Carl shifted his body so that he was sitting up.

"Stop," I blushed. "I don't know, I guess nobody liked me because my mom was in jail, and that me and my dad were rednecks... Nobody liked the fact that I wasn't that into going to the spa everyday, going to the mall. Nobody liked that.... That instead of hanging out at the mall and having slumber parties on the weekend, I was out hunting with my dad. Yea, I was into girly stuff, like doing my hair, worrying about how I looked, I also did go to the mall, but nobody excepted me... For me... It kinda sucked. My best friend, Kayla... She was always there for me... She was my best fr- sorry, you don't care..."

"What? I do care. Tell me more about Kayla or what your life was like or something. I'll listen." Carl laid back down. I blushed.

"Well, Kayla was my best friend since forever... I don't know how long. When this first started, she said she was going to Atlanta...I was alone, so I didn't know what to do. I ended up going to the military base that she was talking about, but it was overrun. Then I ended up going to the CDC. I mainly went so I could find my dad... But I also had some hope that she would be there, too. She obviously wasn't... So, naturally, I just... Gave up..."

"Melissa..." He held onto my hand. "You have me. I won't leave." He smiled. He chuckled and I kissed his cheek.

"Okay, what is one thing you miss the most?" He asked, changing the subject. I took no time to think.

"Chocolate chip cookies." I blurted out.

"Really?" He laughed.

"Yea! It's my absolute favourite thing ev-"

"Kids! Go to sleep!" Rick walked into our cell.

"Fine..." Carl sighed. I held back laughter as he walked out of the room.

"Here, can I sleep by the wall?" Carl nodded. I crawled over him and laid down against the wall.

"Why do you like sleeping by the wall?" He asked.

"I move a lot in my sleep and I don't wanna fall off of the bed-"

"No. You two aren't sleeping in the same bed." Dad walked in.

"Ugh dad! It's not like were gonna do anything! Were fourteen!"

"Nope. Either top bunk or different cell." I sighed. I went to the top bunk and grunted.

"Happy now?"

"Yes. Now get some sleep." He walked out of the room. I bent over the rail of the bed and looked at Carl.

"Goodnight" he said. He sat up and grabbed onto the bars of the top bunk beside my hands.

"Goodnight." I said. I leaned over a little more and kissed his lips.

"I said go to sleep." Dad interrupted. I sighed.

"Yea, yea. Night dad." I leaned back and laid down.

"Night." He walked out of the room. I shut my eyes and fell asleep.


I woke up. It was still dark. I checked my watch.


I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I slowly and quietly got off of the top bunk and pressed my feet onto the cold ground. I stretched and walked out of the cell.

"Hey, dad." I sat down at the table across from him.

"Hey, Mel."

"You're up early." I yawned.

"I could say the same for you." He smiled. I chuckled.

Just then, yelling and screaming for help was heard from outside.

"Uh, Mel, go get rick." He said. I nodded and began to run to ricks cell.

"Rick! Rick! Someone's here!" I yelled. Rick shot up and began to run outside. Some of the others woke up and followed.

"Melissa? What's going on?" Carl walked out of our cell.

"Someone's here, come on." Me and Carl walked outside, a few steps away from the others.

"Who are you?" Rick called out. A girl with brown, shoulder length hair, brown eyes, a few freckles and worn out a blood stained clothes ran through the gates.

"My- my name i-is Kayla Dunham." I let go of carls hand and walked to the front of the group.


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