We have to get out of here

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Melissa POV

"NOO!" I heard rick yell. I opened my eyes and saw Philip drop the katana, it cutting my forehead. I looked up at rick and saw that he was aiming his gun at Philips head. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"So stupid" I grumbled before bullets started flying everywhere. I looked at Michone, who was already looking at me.

"We have to get out of here..." She whispered. I nodded, looking back at the group.

"They need our help, we can't leave..." I whispered, as she untied my hands.

"Okay. Please be careful." She whispered. I nodded, running into the woods with her, sneaking around the the back of the prison. I ran inside and grabbed my crossbow, hearing a loud bang go off. I looked and saw a huge hole in the wall. I sighed. I ran to my dad's cell, grabbing his leather angel wing vest. I figured he would want it. I ran back out of the prison and began shooting, nobody noticing me because I was in the woods, hiding in the bushes.


"Hello?! Is anybody here?!" I shouted. The bus was gone, everything was destroyed,and walkers were everywhere.

"Anybody!" I shouted again. I sighed and bit my lip, trying not to cry.

Was this the last time I see anyone ever again? I hope not...

"Dad..?" I whimpered. I looked around and saw walkers.

"I gotta go... HELLO?! PLEASE?! anybody..." I whispered the last sentence before running off into the woods.

"Don't look back..." I whispered. I kept running away from walkers, when I was tackled.

Daryl POV

The sword to her neck, the bullets flying everywhere, the walkers. Everything's over.

Am I ever gonna see Melissa again? Is my very last memory of her gonna be her tied up and help hostage with a katana to her throat?

I ran around the prison yard, killing walkers, when I found Beth.

"Daryl! I had to find the kids. I had to get them on the bus!" She yelled, panicked.

"We gotta go, Beth. It's over... We gotta go..." I said. She nodded as we ran into the woods, away from our home that was once deemed 'safe'.

We ran when I saw Melissa's crossbow on the ground.

"Melissa..." I whispered, fighting back the tears In my eyes. I saw a dead walker on the ground.

"I think she's still alive... She is your daughter, after all..." Beth mumbled to me. I nodded, picking up her crossbow and began to walk.

Melissa's POV

I was tackled to the ground by a walker. I twisted my ankle during the fall, just enough to send a shock of pain run through my leg. The walker knocked my crossbow out of my hands. I grunted as I stabbed the walker with my knife.

I pushed the walker off of me and looked up, seeing a lot more coming my way. I looked at my crossbow. There was too high of a chance that I would die in the process of getting it, so I decided to limp away as fast as possible.


I was sitting alone in the woods, hugging my dad's angel wing vest around my small body. I was shivering because of the cold night air, staring at the fire. My dad taught me how to start a fire when I was little, just incase I got lost or something. If I'm honest, I'm really glad my dad made me learn, or else I would probably be freezing right now.

I sighed thinking of my dad. Where is he right now? Where's Carl? Rick? Glenn? Beth? Where's everyone?

I know I don't have anyone to protect me anymore... I need to never let my guard down like I did in the woods earlier.

I heard leaves crunching behind me, making me jump up, reaching out for my crossbow. I sighed once I remembered that I left it near the prison earlier when I was attacked by the walker. I quickly put the fire out and ran, clutching my knife in my Hand.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" A voice called out. I hid behind an old, big, tree trunk as the footsteps got closer.

"I know you're there! Come on out!" The voice got close. I gulped, standing up, looking at the ground with my hands up.

"What do you want from me? I have nothing!" I yelled, still focusing on the ground.

"Who are you?" The voice called. I slowly looked up, seeing a boy, around my age, slowly walking up to me, his hand in the air. He had long, reddish-brown shaggy hair that was a mess, green eyes, a few freckles, and he was quite pale.

"I'm... My name is Melissa..." I gulped, reaching for my knife.

"Who are you?" I asked, holding onto my knife,

"My name is Matthew." He said and smiled. I nodded, grabbing my knife, eyeing his gun that was in his hand. He noticed and began to talk.

"I'm not gonna hurt you..." He chuckled. "That's a nice vest you've got there... Where'd you get it?" He asked, trying to create conversation.

"It's a really nice store called none of your business." I smiled, gripping my knife. He smirked.

"Wow. Feisty, aren't ya?" He said, walking closer. I backed up.

"Go away..." I said.

"What? Nobody here to help you? You all alone?" He walked up to me and put his hand on my cheek, wiping his thumb over the spot in my forehead where the katana cut. I winced in pain, but tried not to show it.

"Get. Away. From. Me." I demanded. He chuckled.

"Take off the vest." He said, pulling out his gun. I nodded and slowly took off my dads vest, shivering from the cold night. He smirked, making me back up until I was against a tree. He was just inches away from my tear-stained face.

He began to kiss my face, causing me try cry harder, knowing that there was nothing I could do. I feel like shit for just letting this happen, for carls sake, but I can't do anything that won't make me end up dead.

"Now take off the-"

"She doesn't have to do anything." A voice called out. I took a shaky breath, not looking at who was talking.

"Turn around." The voice demanded. The boy grabbed my neck and spun around, pointing the gun to my temple. I shut my eyes.

"Good. Now, let the girl go. And come over here." The person said.

"And who are you?!" The boy asked the person.

"Her boyfriend."

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