They got in the walls

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"What are you doing?" Rick walked up to me, Gabriel, and some other guy I never bothered to learn the name of.

"We're helping him dig the graves--"

"Melissa, you don't need to be doing this. Go home." Rick said. I sighed and dropped my shovel, beginning to jog back to the house. I got home soon and found Carl sitting on the couch with Judith. I smiled and he stood up, walking over to me. He brushed my hair out of my face and kissed me before Judith interrupted by making a happy squealing noise. I chuckled and took Judith from Carl.

"How's your dad feeling about Morgan?" I asked as Judith played with my ponytail. I bounced her up and down in my arms.

"I don't know. I haven't seen the two together much since last night..." Carl sighed. I nodded.

"Oh. S--" I was cut off by Judith crying in my arms. I looked down at her and sighed, bouncing her lightly in my arms.

"I'll put her to bed. Be right back." Carl said, taking Judith and walking up the stairs. I sighed and leaned against the kitchen counter, grabbing an empty bean can and twirling it around. The door opened and carol walked in, shutting the door behind her and walking to the stove, placing different cans on the counter. She's been naming a lot lately. It's like she completely changed from the woman who blew up terminus, and now she's like a housewife again.

I decided to give her room, so I walked upstairs to Carl. He was placing a sleeping Judith into her crib. I walked up to him and snaked my arms around his waist, standing on my toes to put my chin on his shoulder. I kissed his neck and smiled up at him.

He turned around and kissed my lips. I out my hands on his face and pulled away. I saw the silver ring on my hand.

"It's not so much an engagement ring. More of a promise ring. You're mine and I'm yours until we can actually get married. Then I'll give you a real ring. A better one. Because, god, I love you so, so much." I remember him telling me.

I smiled, kissing him again. "I love you." I whispered. And it's true. I never thought I'd love anyone as much as I love Carl.

Carl smiled and kissed me again. Mid-kiss, screams sounded from outside, making me jump. I ran over to the window and saw people from outside chasing after and killing the Alexandrians.

"Get the guns." Carl ordered. I froze. It's been a while since I've had to fight. "Now!" Carl ordered, running out of Judith's room with me and locking her door. I ran into our room and grabbed our guns, handing Carl his.

We ran downstairs, seeing carol. "We saw them from upstairs, they're coming in from all over." Carl rushed.

"Carl, you gotta stay here and keep Judith safe. Melissa, you gotta help me." Carol said. I nodded and followed her outside. My hands shook. Last time we had people invade our home Hershel died. And then we had terminus.

"Carol?!" I looked around and couldn't find her. I heard footsteps from behind me, and a man was following me with an axe in his hands.

I began running away from him.

One advantage we have against these strange people with the Ws on their foreheads- we have guns.

The man wrapped his arm around me, dropping us to the ground. I let out a scared and frustrated grunt when I hit the ground, grabbing my gun and slamming it to the side of his face, knocking him off of me. I stood up and put my foot on his neck, aiming my gun at him.

"No, no! Don't shoot! Please!" He begged. I found myself not thinking straight, and soon I found myself being slammed against a wall of a house. I groaned and realized I was a perfect target for this man. I couldn't move. I looked behind him, and his axe was flung a few feet away. He's gonna have to try to kill me with his bare hands-which were currently tied around my neck.

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