Its perfect

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"No. We've already went down that way, nothing's there." The adults argued. We're trying to figure out where we can stay since our last house that was deemed 'safe' burned up inflames and was overrun.

"That's where we came from. Nothing." Maggie said. The adults were all crowded around the map that was lying on the hood of the blue pick up truck. Me and Carl were sitting behind them in the bed of a black ford truck.

"Do you miss Sophia?" I asked, holding in tears. He nodded.

"A lot" he let out a sad sigh and looked up at me.

"She was my best friend."

"Our best friend." I let a small smile form on my lips as I rolled my eyes.

"whatcha think they're talking about over there?" I asked, changing the sore subject. We both looked over at the backs of the people in the group. He shrugged.

"Probably thinking about heading back to the farm. Try to clear it out."

"No. The farms overrun and if it's not already gone, it's up in flames. Can't go back." I shook my head.

"How old are you again?"

"14... The same age as you, literally. We have birthdays barely a week apart. Why..?"

"Because you're smarter than most of the people in this group." He chuckled. I laughed.

I walked over to rick. I need to ask him about someone.



"Where's Shane? You and him left and you came back with Carl, but no Shane? Where is he?"

"Kids, come on we're going back on the road." We sighed and walked over flour cars.

"Where are we going?"

"We found somewhere. Big, safe, protected. Just need to clear it out." Rick said. I raised and eyebrow and walked into the car. Me and Carl sat in the backseat while Lori was in the front and rick drove.

I stared out the window, looking at the lone walkers on the side of the road. I sighed, thinking about how they used to be people. They used to have lives. They used to have friends, family, jobs, now they're nothing but a blood-thirsty, flesh eating monster.

I yawned, brushing off the thought, and closed my eyes. Where is this 'safe,big, protected' place rick and dad were talking about? I hope it's warm... Cause I'm freezing.

I shivered and pulled my knees to my chest, shifting my head from the seat to the window. I felt a blanket go across me. I didn't open my eyes, but you don't have to be a genius to know it was Carl. I pulled the blanket closer to me and drifted to sleep.


"Carl, Melissa. We're here." Rick woke me up. I grabbed my gun and walked out of the car. I looked in front of me and saw a huge prison with tall wire fences, guard towers, lots of land. It's huge.

"It's perfect..." I smiled.

Rick gave everyone assigned jobs to do. We're gonna clear out the field and close the gates. I'm in a guard tower with Carl and Hershel. Dad and carol are in the other guard tower. Beth, Maggie and Glenn are getting the walkers attention from the other side of the fence so that rick can run over and close up the gate. I never kept track on what anyone else was doing. We need this place. Lori is pregnant, and she's gonna have this baby any day now, and this prison is the best place to have it.

"Mel, you be careful." Dad walked up to me. I nodded.

" I'm only goin into the guard tower, so are you. I should say the same for you, dad." I smiled. He pulled me into a hug. I rolled my eyes as we walked up to the prison. Rick cut the wires of the fence Dothan we could get through. We all walked through and Glenn and t-dog wired it back up.

We ran to the other fence. Rick and Lori walked up to the gate that leads to the field. Me, Carl and Hershel ran to the guard tower, my dad and carol going to the other one. Everyone went to their assigned stations and started going to work.

Lori opened the gate so rick could run to the other side. I kept shooting at the walkers. I looked at rick, and saw a bullet hit near his feet. I looked over at the other guard tower and saw carol.

"Sorry!" She yelled. I laughed and shook my head as I continued to shoot walkers. This place is gonna be great.


"Eat up. Got a long day tomorrow." Rick walked over to us. He's been walking around the prison for a while, trying to figure out a good way to get inside. He hasn't found one yet. We're all sitting in the field surrounded by a fire and eating something dad found hunting. I was sitting between Lori and Carl. Dad was on top of a school bus keeping watch.

"This will be a good place to have the baby. Safe." I smile at Lori. She looked at me and smiled back.

"Beth, could you sing us Parting glass?" Hershel asked. Dad and carol walked over to the group.

"Nobody wants to hear..." She whispered. I shook my head.

"I do." I smiled. She took a breath and started singing. I walked over to my dad and took out a blanket out of my bag. I shivered and wrapped the blanket around me. It's getting cold. It must be the beginning or the middle of fall by now. I scooted closer to the fire and wrapped the blanket tighter around me.

I felt strong arms wrap around me and pull me close to them. I snuggled closer to my dad and closed my eyes.

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