The wrong people

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Melissa's POV

I walked ahead of the group, again tuning out the world. I could tell everyone kept looking at me, it was obvious. Wondering why I was so distant. They're so clueless. I was almost...never mind.

"Melissa?" I heard Michone walk up to me. I continued to stare ahead of me, not answering.

"Look," she stopped me. I continued to stare into space. "You're safe now. Nothing is gonna happen to you. Not with your dad around, not with rick around, not with us around. We won't let anything happen to you, I promise." She softly said. I sighed and looked at her, breaking out of my trance. I looked at rick, them my dad, not wanting to look at Carl. I broke down into tears and hugged Michone.

"I thought we were done. I thought you would all be dead. I thought we were done being scared... But we're not." I sobbed.

Carls POV

Hearing her cry made my heart sink. I wanted to run up to her and hug her forever.

But I can't.

She hates me.

She doesn't love me anymore. And it's all my fault. I wiped my eyes, making sure I wasn't crying, and cleared my throat.

"We should keep going." I said. Everyone nodded.

We continued to walk, when we saw a sign. We walked up to it and it read:


Sanctuary for all,

Community for all.

Those who arrive,


"We have to go." Michone said. My dad nodded.

"Let's go." He said. I looked at Melissa and saw a hint of fear in her eyes. She was still shaking from what happened a couple hours ago.

I looked at Daryl, and he was looking at Melissa too. He looked concerned, worried, even.

I looked at my dad. He looked at everyone. Melissa, me, Michone, Daryl...

Michone had an arm around around Melissa's shoulders. She seemed like a good mother, better than Melissa's own mother.

I snapped out of my thoughts when we approached a big building. In big black letters, it read 'T-E-R-M-I-N-U-S'.

My dad buried a bag of weapons in the ground as we hopped the fence.

Melissa's POV.

I was hesitant about hopping the fence, worried about what's behind them. About what we are about to face.

I jumped the fence and stayed close to my dad.

We snuck in the back, walking into a big room. People were all working. Some making signs like the one we read earlier, a woman was broadcasting something, saying "terminus. Sanctuary for all, community for all. Those who arrive, survive."

A man holding a clipboard was the first to notice our presence. He walked up to us with a smile on his face.

"I see you've came through the back. Smart. We could use people like you here. We came here for sanctuary, that what you came here for?" He asked. We nodded.

"Great. I'm garret. Before we show you around, we would ask if you could drop your weapons. I'm sure you understand." He said. I looked at rick and he nodded, putting his gun down. I put my crossbow down, I kept an extra knife in my boot just incase.

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