Im scared

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"Amanda, stop!" I yelled, stepping in front of her.

"Put the gun down. You don't want to kill him." I slowly said. She hesitantly nodded and put the gun back in her holster, where she got the gun? I'll never know.

But, just as I thought she was done beating the Crap out of him, she tackled him again.

"AMANDA!" Carl yelled, pushing her off of Cory.

"What?!" She screamed.

"You need to stop before you kill him!" I yelled. I turned around and helped Cory, who was lying on the ground, almost unconscious.

"Maybe I want to kill him! Maybe I should push him into walkers like he did with everyone we've met! Maybe I should kill him slowly and painfully like he did to everyone he's ever met!" She yelled, beginning to calm down.

I froze. I dropped the towel I was using to wipe up the blood on him and stared at him.

" could you..?" I whispered. By now, Carl had helped me up and stepped in front of me.

"I need others to feel the pain I feel. Like you..." He pointed a shaky finger at me. "You've never felt pain like I have." He said.

"You...Little...BITCH!" I screamed, running towards him. Carl stopped me.

"I took beating after beating since I was five years old! I got shot, got stabbed, almost died hundreds of times! I had to go alone, a thirteen year old, out in a world filled with the undead, just to search for my father! Don't tell me I've never experienced pain because I sure as hell had it worse than YOU!" I yelled, thrashing around in carls arms.

"This is why I was gonna kill him! He tried to kill me hundreds of times, he has more blood on his hands than the walkers probably do!" Amanda yelled. I nodded.

"He's sure as he'll not staying anywhere near us." Carl said.

"Wanna know something else? He's bit." Amanda spat. I gasped.

"Show me." Carl ordered, stepping in front of me once again. Cory lifted up his shirt to show a bite mark on his stomach. I slowly backed up and ran into Amanda.

"What should we do with him?" I asked her.

"Easy. You have to put a bullet through my head. End it. It's fine by me." Cory said. I nodded.

"I'll do it..." Amanda whispered. She took out her gun, and in a second, Cory was gone.

"God I hated that bastard." She mumbled before walking into her house. (We cleared out a house for them, we didn't want them with us).

Daryl POV

Yelling. That's all I heard.

"People..." Beth whispered, astonished.

"Yea. We run into them, I'll deal with 'em." I said.

"They're not all bad people, Daryl." She said.

"I don't think the good ones survive." I said, immediately thinking of Melissa and the other kids that were at the prison, and Hershel. They were all good people, now they might be dead, Hershel already is, but what about Melissa?

I heard a gunshot, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"We should go..." I Mumbled, we walked into an old house.

"It's really...clean..." Beth said. I nodded, still thinking about the prison. Wondering if anyone is even alive anymore.

"Still thinking about Melissa?" She asked, walking around the room. I sighed.

"Hopin' she's still alive." I mumbled, she sighed, turning around to look at me from across the room.

"Don't be like that, Daryl. Don't you have a little hope? She is your daughter after all." She said. I shrugged.

"Hope ain't gonna do nothin. Sure as hell ain't done nothin' for your father." I replied coldly. She sighed.

"Melissa is fine, Daryl. Remember when her Carl and rick took out that big herd of walkers that took down the fence?" Beth said. I sighed and nodded.

"When Melissa was born, I didn't think that she would be abused by her mother, I didn't think she'd have to grow up faster than anyone her age,I didn't think she'd have to learn to fight for her life at age thirteen... This isn't what I pictured her life to be like, ya know? I... I'm not sure about what a good father is supposed to be like or do... But I won't be able to see her... I won't be able to see her grow up..." I stopped, realizing how awkward I feel about just pouring all of my feeling out to Beth.

"Go on..." She said, confused as to why I stopped talking. I looked at her funny before continuing.

"I'll never be able to see her first day of high school...her graduation... She'll never go to college, get her first job... She'll never get married and have a wedding... I thought that I didn't want her to go off and get married... No father wants their daughter to grow up... But now that she will never do any of those things... It's sad, actually... I don't know..." I said.

"Daryl?" Beth asked.

"Hm?" I asked.

"We-were gonna find your daughter. She may never get a job or graduate... But she can still get married, she can still grow up... We need to find somewhere safe with the group... We'll find them... We will...a-and I know that that's a lot these days but... But we can do it. You're a really good father, Daryl... I don't think you see that." She smiled. I nodded.

Melissa's POV

We all went back to our houses, Amanda in hers, and me and Carl at ours.

"It's getting late... I'm gonna go upstairs and get some sleep." I kissed Carl before going into our room and closing my eyes.


"Wake up! WAKE UP!" I shot up, hearing yelling coming from downstairs. I hurried down the steps and saw Carl shaking rick, who was still unconscious.

"Carl, Carl what are you doing?!" I rushed over to him and kneeled down beside him. He stopped shaking rick when we heard slight breathing. It's actually sounded a lot like walker moans, though.

Our eyes went wide as we scrambled away from him.

"He-he-he's..." Carl broke down. I looked at rick and my heart started beating fast. Rick reached out for Carl, then fell off the couch. Carl picked up his gun and pointed it at rick.

"Carl, don't!" I warned. He sobbed as ricks hand came closer to us.

"Carl..." Ricks hoarse voice called out. I almost cried in relief when I heard his voice.

"Don't go outside... It's not safe..." He said, before falling back down and passing our again. Carl crawled over to rick and placed his head in his lap. Carl put his forehead to ricks.

"I'm scared..." He whispered. I crawled over to Carl and hugged him, falling asleep soon after.


Carls POV

I was sitting on the floor against my dad, looking at a sleeping Melissa on the floor.

"You really love her, don't you?" My dad asked. I smiled.

"More than anything." I said. I looked at him and he smiled at me.

"She's been through a lot lately, you know that right? Her dad is gone... She has nobody but you right now." He said. I nodded.

"I know." I said. I looked at Melissa again. I'm so lucky to have her. I love her.

I love her.

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