Im gonna be

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Hey guys! So, I missed writing this book, so I realized, why not make one last chapter? So here I am! And this may be long and there's another very IMPORTANT authors note at the end so please please please read.

(Idk this May or may not play your feels)

Carl's pov

I keep having dreams. They're mostly flashbacks...memories... Of Melissa. It's so hard to handle. I really feel for my dad. He's awoken almost every night because of me screaming or crying because of some dream.

I mean, it's been months. I should be getting over it, right?


I really miss her. Her backpack is still lying in the corner of my room. I've refused to open it, knowing that I'll break down again if I see something-anything-else that reminds me of her.

I took a breath and walked over to the brown bag. I sat down against the wall and set it on my lap. I debated on wether or not I should open it. I decided to and I slowly looked inside the bag, seeing her knife, gun, some clothes, a can of corn, and a bunch of other little things.

Over the past few months, a few people have died, making my current situation that much worse.

Daryl. He died the day after Melissa's would-have-been seventeenth birthday. I'm not sure if it was suicide or if he was just killed. Honestly, I don't want to know.

Eugene. Everyone had this little bit of knowledge that he wouldn't survive for very long, even if we were in Alexandria.

Tara. She went on a run and never came back. Dad found her as a walker soon after.

Noah. I'm not sure about how he died. But he was starting to become a close friend, so it hurt. Nobody wants to tell me how he died.

I picked up her knife. The same one that I had to use to end it for her. So she wouldn't turn. I sighed, looking at the name carved 'Dixon' at the side. There was still dried up blood on it.

I'm thinking suicide. Daryl is tough, but when it came down to Melissa dying, he lost it. He never wanted to come out of his house, he was always depressed, and he was the last Dixon left. I think he committed suicide.

I began to think about how me and Melissa could be married by now. We could be cuddled up together, playing with our hands and talking about whatever while we looked at the setting sun outside. I'd occasionally look at her ring and think about how lucky I am to have married such a perfect girl.

But that's just not the truth.

Because right now, I'm sitting in the corner of my bedroom, looking at the knife I used to stab her in the head and crying, thinking about how It was my job to protect her and how I failed to do so.

A knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts. I wiped my tears away harshly.

"Yea?" I asked. The door opened and Maggie walked in. She took a look at the knife, then at my red puffy eyes and sighed,

"Not again." She whispered. "Don't do it again." I shook my head.

"I'm just thinking. Don't worry. I told you I wouldn't do that again." I told her, playing with my shirt sleeve. She walked up to me and sat down in front of me, putting a hand on my knee.

"You really miss her, huh?" She asked. I nodded, looking back at the carving on the knife.

"She was too young. Too innocent. This is why I never wanted to grow attached to anyone. I knew this would end up happening." I said. "It happened with mom. Noah, Daryl, Tara, Shane, Beth, Hershel..." I sighed stopping.

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