Save the boy

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I woke up on my bed. Alone. How they got me back inside from the roof, I'll never know.

I stood up, throwing my long hair in a ponytail again. I really need a shower, but there's no water nor is there any time for that anymore.

I walked out the door, playing with the golden ring on my index finger. I replayed last night in my head. Me about to kill myself, the group coming and saving me, Carl getting upset over the fact that I did, showing he actually cared... The whole group showing that they cared... Rick calming me down last night. Everything.

I would honestly be scared of me too. I would.

I walked down the stairs slowly, playing with the sleeve of my shirt. Not once did I look up. I walked into the kitchen and sat down.

"Melsa!" I heard a baby's voice say. I slowly turned my head around and saw Judith reaching out for me. I debated on wether or not I should play with her. I picked her up and set her down on my hip. My hair(that now reached my hips, by the way) was in Judith's face, my hair tie must have fallen out. I sighed. One day a walker is gonna grab my hair, making me that much more vulnerable.

"Let's go get me a haircut." I said in a baby voice, making her giggle.

I walked over to my bag and picked up my knife. I must look threatening to the group, holding a knife and a baby while walking away from everyone. I chuckled slightly at my own comment. I walked into the washroom, setting Judith on the floor. She played with her red plastic cups.

I looked through the cabinets and found a comb.

"It'll do." I mumbled. After a Long time of combing through my horrid hair, the tangles finally came out. I put my hair in a ponytail and brought my hair over my shoulder. I cut just below the shoulder with my knife. I took my hair out and looked in the mirror.

"What do you think, Judy?" I turned around. She giggled.

"I think it's too long." I said in the same baby voice. I cut my hair so that it was shoulder length. I looked in the mirror. I've forgotten what it was like to have short hair. I combed through it again. I turned around and sat on the floor with Judy. She took the comb from my hands and held it loosely with her tiny fingers. She brought the comb to her short hair and copied my actions by 'brushing' her hair. She laughed when the comb touched her head.

Judith yawned. I brought her into my arms and she rested her head on my chest. She fell asleep in almost an instant. I brought the knife over to me from the sink. I began to fiddle around with it, seeming I had nothing else to do. I heard the door burst open, making me jump. Carl saw me holding Judith and a knife and I could see the panic in his eyes.

"Okay, one; chill the fuck out. Two; she fell asleep after I cut my hair. Three; get the fuck away from me if you're gonna make assumptions like that." I said.

"I thought you were about to..."

"You thought I was about to kill a baby? You really think I would do that? I can't believe you, Carl. You've known me forever. And I wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for you, either!" I shouted, covering Judith's ear with my hand.

"You turned dark, Melissa. Cold. You tried to kill yourself, who knows what else you would do." He spat.

"You wouldn't last a day in my place. If you could read my mind you'd be in tears. I would have been dead already if it wasn't for that little hope I once had. My mind is in some very, very dark places right now but I am keeping myself together. Try being depressed in this world. Having your mind take you to other places when it needs to be somewhere else. Wanting to kill yourself to be happy. I miss the Carl that actually cared about me. The one who didn't do stuff behind my back, then stop me from dying. I miss everything. I miss when I was happy, and not some depressed, suicidal bitch." I said.

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