Could be worse

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"Why the hell would you shoot her?!" I heard voices yell. I wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn't move.

"She cut off my boy's arm! Reflexes, I guess! I don't know, okay?! I'm sorry but my son is loosing blood and fast, we need to get to wherever you're staying!" Another man yelled. I think it was that man I found walker at the car.

"We have the stuff for your son." Rick sighed. The man let out a breath of relief. "And Maggie is in the backseat anyways, stopping the bleeding. We don't have any of the tools to help Melissa..." I heard rick let out an exasperated sigh. I became fully conscious on my wound on my stomach. The littlest things like breathing or a numb on the road sent pain through my body.

I managed to let out a groan of pain. I struggled to open my eyes, but eventually succeeded. I saw my dad leaning over me.

"Shes awake!" I heard Michone cheer. I slowly put a hand over my wound on my stomach. I began coughing. It hurt like hell when I did, but I couldn't stop. I felt blood our down my chin as I continued to cough. I began shivering and choking on my blood.

"Stop the car." I heard dad demand. "STOP THE DAMN CAR AND LETS GET HER INSIDE!"

I felt the car stop, and I was lifted carefully into the house. We reached the front door, when I just collapsed. I was still conscious, but I couldn't feel anything. I could move my eyes and hear everything.

"Shit! Get her inside!" Rick yelled. The door opened and I was lifted inside.

"Oh my god!" I heard Damien shout. I felt pressure on my wound, and suddenly I could feel everything again. I screamed in pain.

"Stop! Stop you're killing her!" I heard Carl cry.

"Carl, we have to get the bullet fragments out!" Maggie yelled.

I began coughing up blood again. I couldn't move. I just laid there, choking on my blood.

So this is how I die. Huh.

I felt a cool liquid being lured on my gunshot wound. Peroxide, I'm guessing. I honestly don't know anymore.

"H-help..." I managed to choke out, before falling back, passed out.


"Well, well, well. Look who's back." I heard a woman's voice say. I looked up and saw my mother. I was strapped to a chair.

"Let. Me. Go." I said through gritted teeth. "I'm gonna kill you." I added. She chuckled darkly.

"Not if I kill you first. Now, how's that stab wound doing?" She asked. I looked down at my stomach,chest, everywhere. I was perfectly fine. I looked up.

"What do you mea-" I stopped when I felt a sharp pain go through my chest. I gasped for air. I looked down and saw that my mother had stabbed me in the chest. She Un strapped me from the chair, letting me fall to the ground.

She laughed as I gasped for air.

"If you were with that little Carl, he'd be here to save you. But, he's dead. So is your dad, and everyone else for that matter. Or, they will be. Would you like to see?" She asked, laughing.

She brought in Carl and dad. I wanted to say something, but I could barely breath. Heir eyes went wide at the sight of me, but couldn't move. My mother chuckled, slicing my dad's throughout.

"DAD! DAD!" I screamed, but it only came out in a whisper. She brought Carl closer to me, throwing him down to me. He scrambled towards me, lifting me Onto his lap. I couldn't breath now. I heard a gunshot and he fell on me. I took a breath and shut my eyes.

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