End Up Here

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"Melissa, could you come help me with him?" Denise asked. I turned my head and saw her getting ready to move one of her patients onto a bed. I put my book down and stood up, helping her move him so he was comfortable.

"Thanks." She said. I nodded.

"It's why I'm here." I said. I sat back down and picked up my book as Denise walked out of the room. I sighed and looked outside. It was dark, but I could sort of see the faint outline of two people running towards the door. I stood up and turned on the porch lights, seeing dad and Rick rushing towards me with a man who had been knocked out. They walked up to me.

"Who's this? Where's the food and supplies?" I asked.

"Change of plans. 'Cause of this asshole. Wanna let us in? He's pretty heavy." Dad said. I nodded and opened the door wider, letting them inside. I went to get Denise as they put him on a bed.

"You heading home?" Rick asked dad. He shook his head.

"Nah. I'll stay and keep an eye on him." He said. I sighed and picked up my book, walking out the door. Our house was just down the street, so i got home quickly.

I walked in the house and heard laughing coming from upstairs in Carl's room. My eyebrows came together in confusion and i quietly shut the door.

I was afriad Enid would be up there. He's done that before. I didn't know how Enid felt about Carl and that scared me.

I walked upstairs and walked into the room. Their heads turned to me and Carl smiled.

"Hey! Where've you been?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Just down the street. Rick's back." I said. He nodded and stood up, putting his hand on my arm as he walked past me. I took his spot on the bed and looked over at Enid. She got quiet and picked at her jeans.

"I don't know why you're mad at me." She said. I raised my eyebrows and looked up, widening my eyes in surprise.

"What? Mad?" I asked. She nodded and looked up at me.

"You know, just because your boyfriend likes hanging out with me more than you doesn't mean you get to act all bitchy." She said, shrugging.

"Woah, Enid, chill. I didn't say anything." I defended. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Carl's going to break up with you. He told me. Tonight, probably. Don't tell him I told you." She said. I scoffed and shook my head.

"Look, bitch. I don't know when I asked for your opinion, or when I cared, but who gave you the right to try and break Carl and I up? You want him, right? You really think he's gonna come running to you when he finds out you're the one who ended it?" I asked. She shrugged, looking away.

"Guess he won't find out. Whatever-- That's what he told me. Use that information how you'd like." She smirked, standing up and walking out the window. I put my head in my hands and groaned.

"Where'd Enid go?" Carl asked. I glanced up at him and bit my lip. I sat up onto my knees on the bed and grabbed his face, quickly bringing my lips to his. He dropped the glasses of water in his hands onto the floor and put his hands on the back of my head.

Once we broke apart we were both panting and out of breath. I looked up at him and brought my hand down his face until it was dangling by my side. His eyes were still closed.

"I bet Enid can't do that." I whispered, standing up and walking out of the room. I passed Rick and walked outside, making my way to Dad's house. It was really dark, but there were a couple street light to help guide me.

I walked inside to see Carol inside through the darkness.. I quietly shut the door and walked up to her.

"Carol?" I asked. She turned around and I jumped back a bit. That wasn't Carol. This was a younger woman. Her red dyed hair was in a ponytail. I couldn't see much of her face through the dark. She smirked at me. My heart races as she reached out to me. I took a step back and took out my knife.

I brought my arm up, when it was grabbed from behind. I felt the person bring my hand down. They slammed me into the wall before holding up in the middle of the room. I screamed for Carl and the girl brought the knife down. I moved just in time and the knife missed my chest and hit my arm. I screamed and brought my foot back, kicking the person holding me in the shin, making them losen their grip on me. I heard someone punch the person, making them fall down. I ran over to the girl and blocked her punch. With my good arm, and a lot of extra effort, I brought my fist to her head, making her fall.

"Shit!" I said, holding onto my arm. Carl turned on the lights and pulled out his gun. I was finally able to get a good look at them.

"Rosalyn?" I asked. She turned to look at me, breathing heavily.

"And Damien. You miss us? We sure missed you." She spat. I tightened my grip on my arm and winced in pain.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" Rick asked. I turned around and saw him with dad and Michonne. I looked down at my arm and lifted my hand, seeing blood run down my arm.

"I'm not s--" I was cut off when someone grabbed me again. It had to have been Damien.

Rick and dad took their guns out.

"We've been waiting to do this for so long." Rosalyn said, standing up. I looked over at Rick and dad with confusion as I tried to get free of Damien.

"Waiting to do what?" Dad asked. I glanced over at Carl, who had his gun trained on Damien. God dammit, please don't shoot yet.

Rosalyn giggled. "Kill her, obviously." She smiled. I rolled my eyes. Somehow I always end up here.

"Oh yea? We saved you. How about a little gratitude--"

"Shut up." She snapped, twirling the knife around in her hands. My arm was burning and I was losing feeling in it.

"You're not gonna kill me." I said. She turned to look at me, her eyebrows raised.

"Oh yeah?" She asked. I shrugged as best as I could with my arms pinned behind me.

"Yeah. You have four people with guns trained on both of you." I said, glancing to all of them. "And, yeah, I guess you can kill me, but you'll both die too. Kinda sucks for both of us, huh?"

"I've had enough of you already." She mumbled, storming up to me. I nodded to Carl and he fired his gun, hitting her leg. She fell to the ground with a scream. I brought my head back and hit Damien's nose. He let me go and I turned around and pushed him back, taking out my gun and pointing it at him.

I looked over at the four of them, breathing heavily.

"What the fuck?" I breathed, glancing back down at the two.

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