Do it.

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"Rick Grimes isn't a bad person. He's saved me so many times, more than I can even count. He's protected all of us here for so long. He's kept us alive by doing what he's done. He hurt Pete because he had every right to. Rick has a family. A son and baby daughter to raise and protect. I don't even know if we can survive another day out there on our own. We almost died, but now we're here, safe. We can't loose this. We can't loose rick. He's like my second father. He's been with me since I was twelve. I'm seventeen now. He's actually technically my father-in-law. He has his reasons for what he did..." I said.

"He almost killed Pete. He pointed a gun at us." Deanna said.

"Pete almost killed rick, too. And he didn't shoot. He wouldn't shoot. Not unless he had to. If you guys threaten us, his family, then he might shoot. You can't kick us out. My dad is out there, risking his own life to go get food and people for this damn place. And Rick has been keeping this place safe. Can't you guys see that?" I asked, desperate.

And just then, the devil himself runs in, full of blood.

"Rick?" Deanna asked.

"There wasn't a guard on the gate. It was open." Rick said, breathlessly.

"I asked Gabriel to close it." Someone said to Deanna.

"Go." She said. The guy nodded and rushed away.

"I didn't bring it in. It got inside on its own. They always will. The dead and the living, because we are in here. And the ones out there...they'll hunt us. They'll find us. They'll try to kill us." Rick said. I looked around and everyone. Rick has a point. I hope everyone sees that.

"But we'll kill them." I said softly. Rick nodded.

"We'll survive. I'll show you how... You know, I was thinking... Was thinking how many of you do I have to keep you all safe?" Rick asked. "But I'm not gonna do that. Because you're gonna change." Oh god, rick. You're getting yourself into some deep shit.

"Luck runs out." Rick said, looking at everyone.

"You're not one of us." I looked behind rick and saw Pete with michonnes katana. I took out my gun I've been hiding and pointed it at him. A big tall guy slapped my gun out of my hand and held me back roughly.

"YOURE NOT ONE OF US." He yelled again, stumbling up to rick.

"Pete, Pete. You don't wanna do this." Deanna's husband went up to him.

"No, get away from me." Pete warned, trying to get to rick. Deanna's husband tried to keep him away, but Pete swung his arm, slicing the katana through the mans neck. Most people screamed, others gasped, but I just stood there, watching.

I've seen all of this before, anyways. What's there to hide from anymore?

Abraham ran up and tackled Pete. Deanna was kneeled down on the ground with her dying husband. Her sobs were loud and they sorta broke my heart. That could be me to Carl one day...who knows?

"Rick." Deanna said through sobs. I noticed her husband was now dead. Rick turned around. "Do it."

Rick turned back around and shot Pete in the head.

"Rick?" Everyone looked to the side and saw three people. Dad, Aaron, and...Morgan?


Wow okay so this is a quick quick chapter because I'm really really busy this weekend and I wanted to post something before I can't so here's this.

And this is a cliffhanger because now we need to find out how Melissa knows Morgan.

And heyyyyh morgannnnnn is backkkk ok I'm sorry I'm just excited.

Idk I decided to quickly post this so sorry if this is like a page long...

And we have to wait for like seven months to see TWD again?? That's not fair...:((

This is only 667 words but... Oh well...

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