Lets do this

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I laid on the ground with Carl beside me.I looked at the dying tulip in my hands, twirling it around. I looked at Carl, who was smiling at me.

"What?" I asked, smiling. He stood up, holding his Hand out.

"Follow me." He said. I took his hand and stood up. We walked out of the barn. The trees were still everywhere, and walkers were still trapped under them.

"God..." I mumbled. He squeezed my hand and looked back at me.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Will be." I said. He nodded and turned his head back around, almost tripping in the process. I stifled my laughter as he straightened himself up.

We walked to a clearing in the trees. The sun was rising, making the sky full of beautiful colours. I smiled at the sight.

"It gets better, ya know?" Carl said. I looked at him. He was looking at the sunrise.

"Yea I know." I said, looking back at the sky. "But not always." I added, sighing. Carl looked at me.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"This world isn't gonna get any better. Not anytime soon. Everything's just gonna get worse... One day-it could be really soon, it could be years from now- I'm gonna die. You're not, no. You're too strong for this world to get you. I mean, look at you. You're amazing... And I want to tell you now that...that when I eventually do di--"

"Stop, Melissa. Stop... You're gonna survive...we're gonna survive. Together. We're gonna beat this world together, I know it." He squeezed my hand lightly so I looked at him.

"Yea." I smiled. "Oh, look at what I found," I went through my bag. "A while ago... It was broken but my dad fixed it." I said, pulling out a yellow jewelry box. I showed Carl and opened it up, turning the little key. We waited for the little ballerina inside to turn and the music to play, but nothing happened.

"Well." Carl laughed. I chuckled and set it on the rock beside me. Footsteps caught our attention as a man came walking towards us with his hands up.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt." He said. We both shot up and pointed our guns at him. "Uh, I'm Aaron." He said nervously. "I need to talk to your leader. Rick, is it?"

"Who are you?" Carl asked.

"Why?" I asked, tightening my grip on my gun.

"Oh, I'm a friend. And I have good news." It was all silent until my music box began playing, and all attention suddenly was on that.


"Guys!" I said while we brought the man into the barn. Everyone put their weapons up and pointed at him. "We found him alone. He gave us his weapons, and we tied his hands up." I said. Rick and dad walked up to him, putting us behind them. Rick patted him down, searching for weapons.

"Yea..." He said, pulling a gun from his jacket pocket. "Go search through his things and see what stuff you find." He instructed me and Carl.

Carl walked over to the mans bag and I followed. I heard bits and pieces of what rick and Aaron were saying, like how Aaron has a safe and secure camp for us to"audition" for with houses and walls and even solar powered electricity.

"I mean, audition makes it sound like a dance troop. We don't do that...well, only on Fridays but--" the next thing I saw, rick stormed up to Aaron and punched him in the face, knocking him out.

"Shut up." I mumbled to Aaron, looking back through his bag. Something orange caught my eye as I picked it up. It was a small, odd, bright orange gun. I walked up to rick.

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