Well shit

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"You know, when you get over those gates, then what? The walkers are lined up at least twenty deep. How are you gonna get down? Distract them? Then you'll have the few that follow you, and those few become more and more, until you're surrounded." Shit. I turned around and looked at Michonne.
"What happens when you fall down and twist your ankle? You won't be able to run."


"Say you get past the walkers. You're completely lost. You have no idea where your dad could be. And, he's redirecting a herd, so they'll spot you before you spot them. Going out alone you have no backup. What happens when your back's against a wall? Take them out with your crossbow and knives because bullets will just attract more?" I groaned.

"Michonne, my dad's in trouble. I know he is. So Is Glenn and Nicholas. Sasha, Abraham. . . I gotta try and help." I argued. I was sitting at the top of the walls, so that one leg was dangling over the inside of Alexandra, and one was dangling high above the walkers.

"You're seventeen."

"Yeah, I'm not a child, Michonne. I know what I'm doing." I said, looking down at her.

"You're seventeen and alone out there. You'll get lost before anything. That is, if you make it past the walkers." I looked down at the walkers. A gust of wind flew by, and I placed my hands on the wall, making sure I didn't fall off.

"Michonne, let me do this. I'm sick of being treated like I'm a child. You gotta have faith in me."

Michonne rolled her eyes. "What about Carl, huh? You want us to tell him that you went over the walls? I'd like to see how that works out." She said. "And your dad? What happens when you get hurt and he comes back and sees you? I wouldn't wanna be around when that happens." I groaned.

"Stop making points, I'm trying to argue with you." I whined. She raised an eyebrow and an amused look was on her face. "Fine, I'll come down now, but you can't stop me from leaving tomorrow, I'll give them another day. If they're not back by tomorrow afternoon, I'm going out there to look for them." I said. Michonne shrugged.

"Fair enough." She said. I slowly brought my leg over the wall and began climbing down, hopping off once I was low enough to the ground. I walked up to her and looked at her.

"You sure you weren't a lawyer? You're pretty persuasive. Make good points." I said, crossing my arms.

"Well, that doesn't matter. Now, I'm a cop. I get to tell you what to do. I just needed to get in your head. It always works." She said before turning on her heel and walking away. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, walking back to put the weapons away.

"You decided to change your mind! Good choice!" I turned around and saw Ron. I was right outside of my house. Can't I walk a little faster?

"I'm leaving tomorrow. Don't flatter yourself." I turned back around and walked inside. I smelt fresh cookies and walked into the kitchen.

"Yay, cookies!" I chuckled, grabbing one and eating it. Carol smiled.

"Where's Carl?" I asked, leaning against the counter. Carol nodded her head towards the stairs.

"Putting Judith to sleep. Told me to tell you to go see him." She winked. I rolled my eyes

"Carol, gross!" I whine, turning around and walking upstairs. I heard Carol chuckle before I made it upstairs. I walked up to ricks room, seeing Judith asleep in her crib. I looking around to room for Carl, but didn't see him.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms grab me, covering my mouth and dragging me into Carl's bedroom. My heart leapt in my chest, before hearing Carl laugh. I let out a breath and turned around. I slapped his arm.

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