1. 'Bye, Dad'

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This is just the first chapter the book does get better later on, trust me lol. Just gotta give it a chance

"Hey, Mel, I'm leaving!"

I shouted back an 'okay' from my room, engrossed in the book I was reading. I heard his footsteps walk up the stairs and my Dad poked his head into my room.

"I might be gone for a few hours. Merle's comin' with me, so just call one of us if you need anything." He said. I looked up from my book and nodded.

"Alright. Bring back dinner, too, please? I'm starving." I complained, dramatically dragging out the word. He rolled his eyes, making me chuckle.

"I'll bring back some pizza. Try not to burn the place down, I'll be home soon." He said, walking out the door.

"Bye, Dad!" I called out, hearing his boots hit the stairs.

"Bye, sweetheart!" He called out before the front door shut. I shut my book and got up from my bed, looking out the window. His truck pulled out of the driveway and I walked downstairs, immediately seeing my school bag placed on the counter. I sighed, knowing I had to get it done.

I turned on the T.V. For some background noise. I happened to turn on the news just as a video of those sick people chasing people on the streets turned on.

"Stupid scams," I whispered to myself, opening up my textbook. I tuned the video out, when the phone rang. She talked just as soon as I picked up the phone. "Did you see what's on the news? Melissa, I'm freaking out!" I laughed at her, shaking my head. It was Kayla, me best friend. She was always worried about something, and she was so gullible.

"Relax, Kay. It's just a stupid scam. These things go around all the time, it's never serious--Don't listen to it. Oh, did you get question number seven in history?" I asked, tapping my pencil on my paper.

"Mel, they're outside. Look, see for yourself." Her voice shook, and I could hear her parents talking in the back. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Nothing's gonna be out there, Kayla." I shook my head, standing up. I walked over to the window, peeking through the blinds. "See, nothing." I sighed, turning away from the window, "are you happy--" my sentence was cut short by a loud bang on the window, making me scream. I drew the blinds again, my whole body freezing when I saw a person staring at me through the glass. Except this didn't look like a person. At least, not a live person. There was blood all over his pale skin and his eyes had turned grey and cloudy.

"Mel? What is it? Do you see them?" Kayla asked. I forced myself to take a deep breath, but couldn't look away from the man.

"There...there's a man. He's banging on my-my window..." I stuttered, trying to come up with an explanation. "Kayla, there-- there's a... a bite mark on his neck."

"Mel, get away from the window." She ordered. I backed away from the window, not taking my eyes away from him.

"Kay, what do I do? I-I'm home alone, what do I do?" I panicked, feeling it get hard to breathe.

"First, call your dad. My family and I are going up to Atlanta, there's a military base about--" she got cut off, replaced by silence.

"Kay?" I asked, not even hearing static, "Kayla?!" The phone was silent. I hung up and felt tears in my eyes. I looked over at the window for a moment then ran upstairs. I dialled my dads number, the line going dead immediately.

"No, no, no, come on," I breathed, tears falling from my eyes. I tried his number again, nothing happening. I heard a loud bang on my door and I jumped, feeling more tears fall.

I slowly tip-toed to the staircase, peeking over the railing. Through the window I could see more people banging on the glass, cracks beginning to form. I covered my mouth with my shaking hand, knowing that they would get in soon.

I ran back upstairs and grabbed a backpack. I packed some clothes and a blanket and other things I would need to be outside. I slung the backpack over my shoulder and I ran into the kitchen, trying to dodge the sight of the people. When I got into the kitchen, I grabbed the first piece of paper I saw and picked up a pen.

Maybe I should just wait. I mean, he's gonna be back soon, right?

I can't. It's not safe.

I wrote a letter before changing my mind.

Dad, I'm going to Atlanta. Kayla said there's a military base there. it's safe there. There's people trying to get inside. I don't know what's happening but I hope you find me soon. I'm sorry I'm leaving, but I can't stay here. I love you, daddy. Please find me.

I put the note on the kitchen table and snuck out the back. I jumped the fence and ran. The city isn't too far from here. A couple hour walk, maybe.

I decided to run along the highway. I saw so much traffic that the cars weren't even moving. Everyone was in a panic. I saw fights breaking out, and people were lying on the ground. Dead. That made me realize something very bad was happening. This wasn't just my neighbourhood. It was the whole city.

I sat down against a car. I rummaged through my bag and noticed one important thing.

I forgot food and water.

I put my head back onto the car, feeling tears form in my eyes.

"Hey, Hun?" I woman's voice called out. I looked beside me and saw a woman, a man and a boy.

I stood up and backed away. "H-hi..." I looked down.

"Where are your parents, sweetheart?" The woman asked me. She looked nice enough, unlike the man beside her.

"Oh, um, he's... Around." I couldn't think of a lie quick enough and she saw right through me.

"Okay..." She looked up at the man,the two sharing a knowing look. "Do you have any food or water?"

I shook my head. She handed me three bottles of water and a couple granola bars. I thanked her and continued walking, much to her protest.

I hope this wasn't the wrong move. I mean, everyone else here has the same idea as me, so I'm doing the right thing, right?

God, I hope this doesn't last long.

The archer's daughter(TWD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن