End it. Please.

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Melissa's POV

I woke up to sunlight hitting my face. I opened my eyes and noticed I was on the floor. I I sat up and saw Carl and rick sitting on the floor against the couch.

"Rick! Oh my god, you're awake!" I almost shouted and hugged him. He laughed.

"Sure am." He said. I let go of him and stood up.

"Breakfast, anyone?" I asked. They nodded, when we heard a knock on the door. We all froze. I looked at Carl, walking beside him.

We both picked up our guns and aimed it at the door. Rick looked through the window and started breaking out laughing.

"Rick?" I whispered. He looked at Carl and slid down the door.

"It's for you." He smiled. I looked at Carl.


"What do you two think of my fairly attractive shirt?" Michone asked, walking up to me and Carl and posing as if she was some sort of model in a fashion show. I looked at Carl and Burt out laughing.

"It looks... Great, Michone." I laughed, looking at the white, men's dress shirt that she was wearing. Carl nodded.

We were sitting in the kitchen eating stale cereal, Michone was standing against the counter, and rick was leaning against the wall. Everyone was actually smiling for once. Laughing. I almost forgot what real laughter sounded like.

"How's the cereal?" Michone asked. Carl looked up.

"It's okay. I just wish I could have some milk with it, though." He shrugged.

"Ah, I'd kill for some soy mil right about now," Michone said. Carl made a disgusted face.

"What? You don't like soy milk?! Shame..." I shook my head and chuckled.

"Okay, okay. Once I was at a friends house, and the only had soy milk. So I drank some and I threw up, like, everywhere." Carl pretended to be throwing up. I rolled my eyes and laughed. Michone raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, I didn't throw up," Carl confessed. "But I almost. I was like," Carl made a gagging face. I rolled my eyes again.

"Soy milk is the best." I said and Michone nodded.

"No, but seriously... I'd rather have canned milk than drink soy milk." He said and chuckled.

"I'd rather drunk Judith's formul-" everyone's smile faded. Rick walked out of the kitchen.

"Sorry." Carl mumbled, mostly to himself, as he stood up and stomped away. I looked at Michone. We both sighed. She began to walk after Carl, but I stopped her.

"I'll get him. Don't worry. Go see if ricks okay." I said and walked upstairs.

"Hey, Carl?" I called out. I heard sniffling coming from our room. I walked over to the door and knocked.

"Carl? You in here?" I asked softly. I heard a sniffle.

"No." He said.

I sighed and opened the door, seeing a crying Carl in the corner.

"Carl..." I sighed and sat down beside him.

"I miss her." He sobbed. I nodded.

"We all do, Carl... But...but maybe this is for the best... I-I mean, now she won't have to grow up in a world full of killing and deaths... Isn't that... Isn't that better? I mean, yea she was only a baby, but she won't have to experience deaths and killing..." I softly said. Carl looked up at me like I just killed eight people.

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