Just a dream?

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"Melissa, you're officially off bed rest, just take it easy for the next couple of days, got it?" Hershel walked into my cell. It's been a week or so since I was shot back at Woodbury. I smiled wide.

"Got it. Thanks, Hershel." I saw him nod and he walked off.

"Carl, Carl wake up!"

"What" he mumbled.i guess it is still pretty early in the morning. Oops.

"Hershel said I'm off bed rest! Come on, I haven't left this cell in over a week." I whined, pulling on his arm like a 4-year-old trying to convince their parents to let them buy a toy.

"Go, go. I'll meet you in that cafeteria" he yawned. I rolled my eyes and walked off into the cafeteria. I was able to walk fine because I've secretly been walking around my cell, there was nothing else to do, anyways.

"Melissa!" Beth ran up to me and hugged me. I chuckled and hugged her back.

"Oh, here comes Carl." Beth wiggled her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I looked behind me to see Carl.

"Wow... Nice hair." I smiled and ruffled up his already messy hair. He shot me a playful glare and fixed up his hair.

"Perfect," I smiled.

"Melissa, you're comin' huntin' with me after breakfast." Dad demanded.

"No." I shook my head. "Please don't make me..." I begged. My dad looked at me, confused for a second, then nodded.

"I'm gonna go alone then." He whispered.

"You're not gonna go alone... Get rick to go with you or something. Please daddy..." I whispered. He sighed and walked off.

"It was just a dream, Melissa...it doesn't mean anything..." Carl walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

"I know... Ugh my dad thinks I'm annoying now... Dammit..." I sighed and walked to my dad, grabbing my crossbow so that I can hunt. I walked towards my dad and turned the corner, seeing him kissing carol. I huge smile crept along my face. He's never loved someone since mom, and I even think he stopped loving mom a while ago, before she was sent to jail. I want my dad to be happy, and seeing him happy is the best.

I waited for a minute or two after they kissed to turn the corner and walk up to my dad, so they didn't know I saw them.

"Hey, dad. Let's go hunting, shall we?" I smiled. Dad chuckled and shook his head, grabbing his bow and walking out of the prison with me right behind him. We walked deep into the woods, the most wildlife would be deeper into the woods.

My dad put a hand up, signalling me to stop. I raised my bow up and saw a deer. My dad was already aiming his crossbow at the deer. Just before he shot it, I did, killing the deer with an arrow through its neck. The deer was actually pretty big, and will probably feed us for a while. I smiled in victory. My dad looked back at me and smiled.

"Nice shot for a rookie" he taunted. I raised an eye brow and walked closer to the deer, grabbing my arrow from its neck.

"Oh really?" I chuckled. "Bet ya can't do this!" I smiled, turning to an oncoming walker. I put my crossbow up and shut my eyes, shooting the walker. I opened my eyes and noticed I shot an arrow straight through its head. I've never done that before. Inside, I was screaming and cheering and jumping up and down at my victory, but outside, I acted like it was no big deal.

"Okay, fine. You win...Rookie." He chuckled. Grabbing the deer and picking it up. I rolled my eyes and walked ahead, retrieved my arrow from the walker's head as we walked back to the prison.

"We got dinner!" Dad yelled as soon was we walked inside the prison. I laughed and saw everyone running up to us, their eyes went wide at the sight of the huge deer that I got. Carol got the squirrels and rabbits that we caught earlier from dad, and rick helped my dad bring the deer to wherever it was they were taking it. I looked across the room (which is where we always are) at the cells and saw Carl walking out of his cell to me. I smiled wide and ran up to him, grabbing his wrist and bringing him back into his cell.

"Oh my god, you look drunk." Carl laughed. "Or high" he added, and laughed even harder. I stayed in front of him, playfully glaring at him and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Sorry." He tried to contain his laughter. I rolled my eyes.

"Guess what!" I smiled.


"I saw my dad kiss carol! Carl, my dad and carol are a thing! Isn't that amazing?!" I smiled.

"It is amazing, the things girls find interesting." Carl chuckled and shook his head.

"Whatever." I walked out of his cell, when a hand grasped my wrist. I turned back and saw Carl looking at me, frowning playfully.

"I sowwy" he stuck his lip out and batted his eyes.

"Oh my god, Carl." I laughed, walking up to him and kissing him. I smiled and walked out of his cell, finding my dad outside of it.

"Hey, dad..." I said.

"You best not be doin anything-"

"DAD!" I yelled, and covered my face with my hands. "We're only, like, fourteen!"

"Well you're turning fifteen next month-"

"DAD!" I playfully pushed him away and walked into the kitchen area and saw carol.

"Hey, carol." I smiled.

"Hey, Hun." She smiled back. I didn't know if I should tell her that I saw them kiss, or if I should even say anything at all.

"I'm surprised your father got a deer this big, this could feed us for a month!" Okay, I don't think a month...

"Um... I got that deer." I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh my god, really?" She chuckled. "Your dad has been telling everyone that he got this deer." I shook my head and walked off, smiling.

"Hey, dad!" I yelled from across the room. He looked back at me.


"Why are you taking all the credit for my deer?!" I decided to make this a really big deal, even if it wasn't.

"You didn't get that deer?" Rick chuckled for the first time since Lori died. Dad shook his head.

"Nah, she did."

"I think she's a better hunter than you-" rick didn't get to finish his sentence.

"Enough..." My dad chuckled. I smiled and walked off. Wow, it's easy to create drama for the stupidest things.

"Hey, babe" i said as I walked into Carl cell, his back turned to me.

He didn't answer. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. When he turned around, his face was dark, covered in blood, his eyes were black, his clothes were torn and shredded and his flesh was hanging off.

He was a walker.


Hey, walkerbait!!

That cliffhanger tho

This chapter really makes no sense at times but at the same time it does, it's weird.

What do you think happened/ is happening with Carl?

I really don't know where I'm gonna go with this chapter, but it may or may not have anything good to do with Carl and him being a walker.

Did this hurt your feels or do I have to try harder next time?

And guys!! 614 reads?!?! Thank you so much for even reading the first page of my book😂 I know this book sucks but I'm trying😂

The next update will either be today, or in a couple days, I don't really know😂

Bye guyss

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