Goodnight, love.

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"What?!" Maggie stopped running and walked back to Lori who was leaning against a wall. Breathing heavily.

"The baby... It's coming now" Lori said. I glanced over at Carl who was shocked.

"Okay... Um...ideas?!" Maggie looked at me and Carl. I looked behind us.

"I got one...RUN!" I turned around and faced the walkers that were coming towards us, and started shooting.


"Uh...Boiler room!" I yelled. Maggie nodded and sped-walked with Lori into the halls of the prison.

"You're gonna be a big brother!" I smiled at Carl and continued to shoot walkers as we walked to the boiler room. He smiled.

"Here, c'mon!" We ran into the boiler room and shut the heavy door.

"Mom! How are you doing?" Carl rushed over to Lori. Lori nodded, giving us a 'im fine' look.

"Okay, Lori, push" Maggie said. I turned around and looked at Carl.

"I'm gonna be a brother..." He smiled.

"Lori stop! Something wrong!" Maggie yelled. I looked back and saw lots of blood.

"Maggie... Im-I'm not letting this baby die-"

"No." Maggie shook her head.

"Maggie, Carl has a knife. I-I have a scar from when Carl was born, you cut me open there." Lori said, now lying on the ground.

"No. Mom, no. You can't... Please." Carl begged.

"Carl, it's the right thing. Give Maggie y-your knife." Carl slowly gave Maggie his knife.

"Carl, you can beat this world, I know you can. You are smart, you are strong and you are so brave. Don't let this world change you, if something seems wrong, don't-don't do it. Take care of your brother or-or sister, take care of your dad... Take care of Melissa. I'm sorry. I love you so much." Lori put a hand on carls cheek. Tears started streaming down my face. My mother-figure is gonna make herself die so her baby- who may or may not even live- survive.

Carl bent over and hugged a now-crying Lori.

"Melissa, you are the one shed of light we've had since the world ended. Thank you. Thank you for loving my boy and please, never let him go. You're the daughter I've never had. Thank you. I love you." She cried. I shut my eyes and hugged her.

"Carl, you need to be strong. I love you. Maggie, you need to do this now." Maggie nodded and lifted loris shirt up over her stomach and took a shaky breath. The knife touched her skin before Lori looked up at the ceiling.

"Goodnight, love." She whispered. My heart shattered.

"I'm sorry" Maggie cried before dragging the knife over loris stomach. Lori started screaming in pain.

"NO!STOP YOURE KILLING HER!" Carl screamed. I turned and hugged him tight. I cried into his chest and he cried into my shoulder.

"Carl, pass me your jacket," Maggie said. Carl looked at Maggie and took off his jacket. Maggie took out the baby.

"I-is it alive?" I asked. Maggie rubbed the baby's back as it started to cry. I let out a breath I didn't notice I was holding in. Maggie wrapped the baby in carls jacket as we began to walk to the door.

"No, she's gonna turn. I have to." Carl cried. I nodded and took out my gun and with a shaky hand, passed it to him. I nodded and Carl pointed the gun at loris head.

I turned away when I heard the sound of a gunshot going off. I looked at Carl and held out my arms to him. He hugged me, but didn't cry as much.

"She told me to be strong." He answered as if he read my mind. I nodded. He looked at me and wiped the tears off of my eyes. We wrapped an arm around me and I wrapped both of my arms around him.

We walked to Maggie, who was still sobbing(so was I) and walked out if the boiler room, and met up with the others outside.

"Where- where is..." Rick started once he saw the baby. Maggie started crying more as rick walked up to them. Maggie walked with the baby to Glenn and hugged him.

"Oh no... No no no...." Rick cried. He started to walk off when he just collapsed on the ground and broke out crying.

I slowly walked over to my dad, and hugged him. I started crying for a few more minutes.

"Rick, no. She's gone." I heard Maggie say. I looked at rick who was holding am axe and heading into the prison. He didn't reply, he just stormed into the prison.

"He's broken." I whispered. Everyone walked into the prison, while I stayed behind with Carl.

"I'm sorry" I hugged Carl.

"For what? You didn't do anything. If anything, she shouldn't have fuc-"

"Carl..." I whispered. He looked at me and broke into tears again.

"I should have apologized. She died thinking I hated her..."

"She knows you don't hate her, Carl. Let's... Let's just go inside..." I said. I nodded and we walked into the prison.

"What's her name?" Carol asked. Dad picked the baby up and held her in his arms.

"How about... I like... Sophia, Amy, patr-" I nudged carls arm.

"I don't think that's a good idea..." I whispered, implying that naming her after someone who died wasn't the best idea.

"Hey little ass kicker. Yea, you like that? Little ass kicker, that's a good name, right?" My dad started rocking the baby and a few chuckles escaped people mouths.

"Little ass kicker." I smiled, walking over to the baby and letting her play with my fingers.

Something this small and fragile won't survive this world. This baby needs food, milk, a bed, protection- it won't be able to survive. She will cry and attract every walker around. Now rick is broken, looking for his dead wife, Lori is gone, there's a small, fragile, weak, helpless baby that we have to protect, this isn't the best thing to have to deal with, but when I look into her eyes, I see hope. This baby is beautiful, and is gonna help this group, I can see it.

I don't really know what to think of this.



So, I was gonna make Lori live and the baby die, but that would ruin the storyline that I'm gonna use, and it would be cruel😂

I was also gonna make Carl be stronger, but avoid everyone, especially Melissa, but I have different ideas for the next couple chapters so I decided not to.

Hope you likes this shitty chapter😂 I literally only spent an hour writing this (I usually spend a couple days- if not more) oops😂

I promise the next chapter will be better (hopefully)😁

Omgg only 4 days till Christmas?! I'm really exited woah🎄🎄 do y'all celebrate Christmas?

Do you guys want any new characters to come into the story? Comment what kind of character you want to come into the story. ( comment his/ her name, Age, gender, appearance, attitude, storyline, etc) and I will try to add them into the story😊✌️

And GUYSSSS 249 reads?! 15 votes?!?!?!? Woah! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I never expected to get even 10 reads on this, let alone almost 250! Thankyousomuch❤️❤️

Bye, now😘

The archer's daughter(TWD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora