I hope so

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"Melissa, babe, what's wrong? You've been out here all night." I felt a hand rest on my back.i looked up and saw Carl sitting on the porch steps beside me. I looked back at my feet.

"Everything's gone." I mumbled. He sighed.

"I know." He pulled me close to him. I rested my heat on his shoulder.

"What do you think that smoke is?" I asked.

"Fire. Looks like it's gone out, though." He shrugged.

"How do you know?"

"The smoke is white. If it was burning, it'd be black. But the smoke is white, therefore, it's not burning." He said. I chuckled.

"What?" He asked, smiling down at me.

"You're so smart." I poked his nose. He rolled his eyes and laughed. I grabbed his hand and stood up.

"Anything happen with your dad?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Well it's only been just over a day. Don't worry. Let's go clean him up. Go into the bathroom and search for bandages and stuff to clean his cuts. I'll try to find him new clothes, his are pretty ripped up." I said. He looked at me weird.

"I honestly don't know what to even look for... Should we switch roles?" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"Sure. I know more about this than you do anyways." I smirked and walked off.


Pain medication, gauze, bandages and peroxide. Hopefully this will be good enough for him.

"Carl, you got any clothes for when he wakes up?" I asked while walking out of the washroom into the bedroom he's in.

"If he wakes up." He said.

"Shut up, Carl. He's gonna be fine." I rolled my eyes. He nodded.

"Got any medicine?" He asked. I nodded.

"Gauze, bandages, peroxide and pain medication." I said.

"Okay." He said. We walked back downstairs to rick who was still passed out on the couch. I sighed.

"I can't even imagine how much this will hurt..." I mumbled before cleaning up his cuts and wiping the blood off of his face.

"I saw him flinch." Carl sighed. "That's gotta mean it hurts like hell." He added. I nodded.

"There's open wounds. But, at least it means he's alive." I shrugged.

"I just can't believe him... I mean, he could of stopped this. He's our leader... He's supposed to protect us. And now look at us. God, I can't believe this." He ranted. I sighed, getting angry.

"You know what, Carl?! He's your damn father! He's here and he's alive! I don't even know if my dad made it out! Stop being so... So ungrateful! It's like you have the worst life ever!"

"Maybe I do! My mother is dead, my sister is dead-"

"My mother abused me!" I admitted. "She would beat me till I passed out and she never stopped until she was sent to jail!" I began to yell. Carl didn't say anything.

"I would go to school with bruises and hand marks across my face and have to come up with an excuse so that I wasn't taken away by child services! My dad was the only thing I had left and now he's gone and I don't even know if he is alive! AT LEAST YOUR DAD IS HERE. HES ALIVE, HES BREATHING, AND HE'S HERE! CANT YOU SEE THAT, CARL?!" I stood up. I wiped a tear away.

"Why didn't you tell me about your mom?" Carl asked softly, as if he wasn't even listening to whatever else I said. I scoffed and walked off.

Flashback (seven year old Melissa)

"Daddy? Daddy are you home?" I asked when I walked through the door of my house.


"Daddy?" I called out again. I sighed and walked Into the kitchen.

"Guess I'll make a sand which or something." I mumbled. I picked up some peanut butter and placed it on the counter. I picked up a plate, but accidentally dropped it.

I heard footsteps grow louder and enter the kitchen.

"What did you do ya little bitch?!" My mom screamed in my face. I could smell the beer in her breath.

"I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to-" I was cut off by a slap going across my face, whipping my head to the side. I failed to keep the tears away.

"You broke a perfectly good plate!" She screamed.

"I'm sorry mommy..."

"Did I tell you to speak?!" She screamed and kicked me in the stomach. I fell to the ground, my arm landing on a sharp piece of the broken bowl. I let more tears fall.

I shook my head. She nodded.

"Good. Now, clean this damn mess up, or it'll be worse next time." She threatened. I nodded my head fast, not moving.

"I said clean it up!" She yelled, kicking my leg. I nodded again, struggling to get up. She walked away as I cleaned up sharp pieces of the plate. I heard a door slam shut and footsteps rushing towards me. I flinched when the footsteps reached me.

"I'm sorry! I'm cleaning it up, mommy!" I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Melissa..." My dad's voice called. I looked up at him, showing him the red hand mark across my cheek.

"What did she do?" He asked, helping my stand up. I continued to cry.

"I dropped the plate... She hit me, she- she kicked me in the stomach, and kicked my-my leg..." I admitted, in too much pain to argue about telling him. "I also fell onto a piece of the broken plate." I shook. He sighed, looking up the stairs at the door to my moms room.

"Why does she hate me, daddy?" I cried. He hugged me, careful about my new injures.

"Let's get you cleaned up." He said. I nodded as he set me on the table.

"Thank you for being here, daddy." I said.he looked up at me.

"I'll always be here for you, sweetheart." He said.

End of flashback.

God, I hope so, dad.

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