Whos up for an adventure

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"What?!" By now everyone was crowding around us. "There's walkers in the barn?!"

"Carl, go inside." Lori said.

"No-" Lori shot Carl a look and Carl walked inside.

"You to Mel."

"Hell no, I-"

"Not now, Mel!" Shane yelled. I scoffed and walked into the house.

I slumped down on the couch in the living room and stared off into space.

"They always treat me like a little kid. It's really annoying." Carl sighed. I nodded in agreement.

"Yep." I sighed, looking at Carl, then quickly back at the window.

"Wonder what they're talking about out there" Carl said once he noticed what I was looking at.

"Probably thinking about putting that kid in with the walkers." I said, not taking my eyes off of the window.

"Hershel thinks they're just sick people. He obviously doesn't know what it's like out there." Carl said, now also looking through the window.


"What was life like before this for you?" Questions questions questions.

"Really?" I asked surprised that someone wanted to know about my past.

"Yea. I wanna know."

"Okay. Well... I lived with my mom and my dad, until my mom got into drugs and alcohol. She would beat me. My mom and dad separated. My mom moved out and lived with friends. My mom soon got arrested. And I've been with my dad ever since. I lived just outside of the city, my dad and I went hunting a lot. I had a couple friends. My life is quite boring." I looked at Carl.

"Sorry about your mom..." He whispered.

"It's alright...don't be sorry. What about you-" me and Carl both shot up once we heard yelling and crying coming from outside. We looked at each other in confusion, then ran outside.

"That was three rounds to the chest! Why is she still moving?!" Shane yelled to Hershel. He shot the walker Hershel was holding again in the stomach. "Huh? Why is she still movin'?"

"SHANE! Enough!" Rick yelled.

"Yea man, you're right. That is enough." Shane walked over and shot the walker in the head.

He started shouting a whole bunch of stuff that I didn't listen to. I focused on Hershel, Beth, Maggie, Jim, Patricia, everyone from the house. I felt really bad. Hershel knew these people. Everyone in the barn were people that he loved. He doesn't know that they want to kill us, he just thinks they're sick and that they'll be okay again one day.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by gun firing. I looked over at the barn and saw Shane opening the barn doors and shooting walkers.

"SHANE!" I screamed. I ran to Shane but was pulled back by a pair of arms.

"Dad let me go!" I eventually stopped squirming and glared at Shane. My hands were balled up in fists and my breathing was fast.

Shane and everyone stopped shooting and my dad let me go once all the walkers were dead.

I ran up to Shane and pushed him. He's a lot stronger and bigger than me, but i still want him to get the message that me and a few other people hate him right now.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT SHANE-" I was interrupted by a punch across my face, sending me to the ground. I looked at Shane and felt my cheek. I felt blood running down my face.

I looked at my dad and he was already running up to Shane. He punched Shane in the face.

"GUYS!" Rick yelled. The two stopped fighting. My dad got in Shane's face.

"Don't ever touch my daughter, ya got that?!" He yelled. I felt soft hands touch my shoulders. I turned around and saw Lori. I stood up.

"Let's get you inside. Carl, come."

"Okay." I whispered. We walked inside of the house.

Me and Lori walked into the washroom. I looked in the mirror and saw a purple bruise forming under my eye and my cheek had a cut that was bleeding.

Lori grabbed a washcloth and put water on it and started gently wiping the blood from my cheek.

"Yea, if there's one thing you should know about Shane, it's never to make him angrier than he already is. He'll hit anything near him." She said, keeping her focus on my cheek. I chuckled.

"Wish I knew that before I got in his way" I smiled. She smiled and shook her head.

"How you doin' in there?" My dad walked over to us.

"Shane beat her pretty badly, looks like she's gonna get a black eye and a swollen cheek." Lori said. My dad cursed under his breath and walked in.

Shane walked in the house arguing with Rick and a few other people.

"I got it." Lori said. She handed my dad the washcloth and walked downstairs.

"How you feelin'?" He asked, putting the washcloth over my cheek.

"Hurts." I simply said, gesturing to my swollen cheek and black eye. He nodded.

"I don't want you goin' near Shane anymore, got it." I nodded.

"Wasn't gonna anyways." I said. "How's everyone doin'?" I asked.

"The green's want Shane gone. They're pretty upset about seeing their family get killed."

"They think they're just sick. They don't realize what they are." He nodded.

"Why don't you go down there and hang out with Carl and Sophia." He said. I nodded and walked downstairs.

I walked past Shane. He looked at me and saw my black eye and swollen cheek. I glared at him and he walked away.

"Hey Melissa." Sophia said. I waved and sat down with the two.

"Is that what Shane did to you?" Carl asked. I sighed.

"Sure is."

"I can't believe he would do that to a 14 year old." Sophia said.

"What'd they do with Randall after? He dead?" I asked, more so to Carl. He shrugged.

"He's in the barn, tied up and blindfolded." I smirk came across my face.

"What are you thinking, Melissa?" Sophia asked nervously. I looked at her, then to Carl.

"Who's up for a little adventure?"

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