Chapter Three

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"He did what?" Daphne Greengrass covered her mouth childishly as Pansy recounted the events with Draco in the shower this morning.

We sat out in the courtyard, enjoying the rare sunlight that graced the skies today. Although, I wasn't particularly enjoying it. It was still freezing, and I hated the sun. Too bright. Too obnoxious. I would take torrential downpour over clear skies any day of the week.

Pansy twirled a piece of hair around her finger as she gazed over at Draco, who was across the way, leaning against "his tree" with his other groupies, all of which were death eaters now as well.

Crabbe, Goyle, Malfoy, and I had known each other since we were kids. Our families were relatively close, and all shared a devote allegiance to the dark lord. So, naturally, we all took the mark, as expected of us since we were old enough to learn about dark magic.

Crabbe and Goyle were the unfortunate ones of the group. By unfortunate, I mean looking. They were not blessed with the striking features possessed by Draco and I. They looked like mirror images of their fathers, who both were stumpy and oaf-like.

Blaise Zabini leaned up against the tree and dodged the rays of sunlight that were hitting his eyes through the leaves and branches. His father was a death eater, but he died during the first wizarding war shortly after Blaise was born. His mother then took up the hobby of marrying rich and divorcing quickly. I think she was on husband number 6 now. Blaise never liked any of the men she wanted him to call "dad", causing him to cling more to the legacy of his father. We became friends shortly after being shorted into Slytherin. He took the mark solely because it was required of him, as passed down by his father.

Standing in front of Blaise was Theodore Nott. Dirty blonde, curly hair. Warm skin. Athletic build. Chiseled arms. Strong hands. Caramel brown eyes. Deliciously attractive. Best friend to Draco Malfoy. His mother died when he was young, so it's just been him and his father his whole life. His father was more...aggressive than most. From a young age, Theo had been conditioned to what life is like as a death eater, since he didn't have another parent to shield him from the harsh realities like the rest of us did. He had seen more people die than the rest of us combined.

Childhood trauma aside, Theo was one of Slytherin's most valuable quidditch players, and had amassed quite the little fan club with people from all houses, and he was particularly sexy in the uniform. Especially after a game. That's how he got me the first time.

Theo and I have had a couple rendezvous here and there.

In secret of course.

We are not ones to kiss and tell, but the inconspicuous lingering glances and grazing of fingers against my leg under the potions table were fun. Our relationship was more friends with benefits if anything. It was also fun to see Malfoy squirm with anger and jealousy every time Theo and I not so secretively flirted with one another. Another aspect to my toying.

"I tried to get him to do that know...where I'm..." Pansy put one hand over the other.

"Where you're on top? Yeah, okay." I filled in the blanks where she was too prude to.

"Yeah...but he never wants to do that. We just do the same thing every time and then he just...leaves." Pansy shrugged and pursed her lips.

Hitting it and quitting it.

How very Draco Malfoy.

Pansy was just a quick way for him to get his kicks. Just a lock for his key. He used her whenever he wanted, and she let him. How sadly pathetic. She obviously had feelings for him. She fawned over him and continued to fan the flames of his arrogance.

"Don't look now but they are walking this way." Daphne whispered giddily. I groaned and rolled my eyes over to see the swarm of them approaching with Draco leading the pack.

"Hello ladies," Draco strolled over, a pompous sway to his shoulders. I looked up deliberately sifted my shoulders towards Theo.

"Hey Nott," I smiled sweetly.

"Hey, Rose." He replied in a sexy, smug kind of way. It suited him.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw an uncomfortable shift in Draco as he glanced between Theo and I, before finally looking towards Pansy again.

Another win. Rose-2, Draco-0. And it was hardly noon.

"You coming tonight?" Theodore raised his eyebrows at me.

"Coming to what?" Pansy asked, her posture straightening.

"There's a party tonight. In the room." I stated over my shoulder, still keeping my eyes on Theo. I had been pretty stressed out lately, maybe letting loose, getting drunk, and cozying up to Mr. Nott was exactly what I needed.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Pansy nodded excessively. God, she had no idea how to act around people she found attractive. Especially ones that had just seen her naked this morning. In my shower.

"When is it?" Daphne asked as she compulsively straightened out her skirt.

"Same time it always is. 11 o'clock. 7th floor." Draco scoffed.  

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