Chapter Six

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            The smug smile of winning could not be wiped off my face as I quickly got ready for the day. Oh, today was going to be fun.

The best part was that he didn't know Millie heard it all. He doesn't even know that I know. Merlin, what good karma was I cashing in right now because this had to be a gift from beyond.

"You almost ready, Rosie?" Pansy appeared timidly in the door frame. I couldn't look at her out of fear that I would bust out laughing and completely humiliate her. If I wasn't in such a good mood, I would have had no problem doing that, but I needed all of my mischievous energy to be focused towards making the Slytherin Prince crawl out of his skin.

"Yeah. I'm ready." I spritzed my chest and wrists with my perfume, and dragged some up behind my ears. Wonderful.

Dear merlin the anticipation was unnerving.

"You okay, Pansy? Something wrong?" I could help but smugly ask as we all sat at breakfast in the Great Hall.

"Yeah...I'm fine." She didn't look up from her plate as she stabbed at a couple blue berries with her fork.

Draco sat across from Theo and I with an annoyed look on his face. Maybe he was aware of Theo's fingertips grazing over my inner thigh under the table, or maybe he was just thinking about the fact that those pretty lips of his moaned my name this morning.

Blaise came stumbling in, robes all out of disarray. "Where you been, Zabini? Thought we were going to have to send out a search party." Theo smacked his shoulder as he sat down.

"Easy, mate. I'm fucking dodged." Blaise groaned as he fought the side effects of his wild night.

"You bed that Hufflepuff chick you were talking to?" Draco raised his eyebrows at Blaise and took a sip of coffee. His ringed fingers looped through the small handle of the mug perfectly.

Something about his pale fingers gripping the small cup was somewhat appealing. Flimsy and nonchalant, but firm.

"Of course. But I got so plastered last night that I didn't remember her bloody name this morning. Nice awkward start to the fucking day." Blaise grumbled, downing a whole glass of water.

A small giggle left my lips.

"Something funny, Eros?" Draco's eyes snapped to me.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He did not want to challenge me. Oh, little did he know the information I had in my beautiful brain.

"Just laughing at Blaise's misfortune is all." I slowly bit down on a strawberry. He glanced at the berry in as the juice slid down my index finger and gulped.

"You shagged her and you don't even know her name? That's a new one, Blaise." Goyle huffed, slurping up some sort of gravy mess he had on his plate.

"I think it may be Molly but I didn't want to chance calling her the wrong name, you know? I'd rather keep my dignity." Blaise nonchalantly took a bite of toast.

I bit my lip to contain my extreme thrill because of the irony of Blaise's words. Millicent kicked me under the table slightly as she also tried to reel in a cheeky giggle.

When we got to potions, Millie immediately paired up with the Ravenclaw boy she had been flirting with the night before. Blaise and Theo paired up with one another like they always did. So, that left Malfoy and I.

Oh, how the stars were aligning for me today.

"Try not to muck this up, okay?" I raised an eyebrow in warning to him.

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