Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I woke up again...unfortunately.

"There she is! Sleeping beauty!" Leo's voice was loud and made me tense up.

I kept my blank eyes on the ceiling, staring off into nothingness, trying to make myself feel like a shell of a person.

All I saw when I slept was him. I couldn't escape it. My dreams were basically a montage of every moment the two of us had shared our whole fucking lives, and it made waking up even more dreadful, because I was forced to remember what he had done.

My chest and my abdomen still felt like open and festering wounds. Pulsating with emotional pain that couldn't be dampened no matter how hard I focused my magic into occluding.

"You need to eat." Leo stated. I felt his presence come up beside the bed, and he loomed over me.

"I'm not hungry." My voice was raspy and crackled. Probably from the sleep. Most definitely from the crying.

My throat was raw. It burned every time I swallowed.

My nose was burning and stuffed, which I'm sure made my eyes looked wonderfully puffy and pathetic looking.

My eyes hurt like they had been sucked dry of all their moisture. I didn't even think it was possible for my body to produce anymore tears than it had.

"You need to eat something, Rose." Leo stated firmly, putting his hands on his hips and waiting for me to move, speak, react.


"What time is it?" I asked, still not moving my eyes from the empty space above his bed.

"6 o'clock at night. You've slept for nearly 24 hours, darling. You haven't eaten in longer." He sighed.

I snapped my head to the side and glared at him, trying to reign in the tears that word he called me always ensued.

"Don't call me that." I tried to keep my voice stern, but it cracked near the end. More hot tears spilled down.

"Okay, okay. Sorry." He put up his hands defensively and took a step back casually.

I returned my line of sight to the ceiling and continued my staring.

"She's been up for what—a minute and you're already making her cry?" Millicent's voice ran from the other side of the room, getting closer to me.

"I'm sorry. Eros's triggers seem to be very frequent and broad." Leo groaned walking to the window and looking out at the gloomy day.

I loved gloomy days. I loved when the sky was full of clouds and it was raining all day and—

"Remember when Draco smelled rain in his love potion?" a thought popped into my head.

"Fuck sake..." I dragged my hands over my face, trying to push the memory out before I ran to the bathroom to throw up again.

"How are you feeling, Rose?" Daphne's voice asked from the end of the bed as I felt her indent the mattress.

"Like a million fucking galleons, Greengrass. Thank you for asking." I sneered out sarcastically. All the warm, fuzzy, nice feelings from the day prior were so far dead and gone, I didn't know if they would ever be making a reappearance.

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