Chapter Seventy-Seven

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10 years later...

            " doubt."

            "No way, he is a Gryffindor through and through. Remember the time he stole Draco's broom and flew it around their garden?" Harry huffed, looking at Blaise like he was crazy.

            "That sounds cunning and ambitious to me." Blaise leaned back in this chair, patting the back of the waking baby that was strapped to his chest, "I'm keeping my money on Slytherin."

            "My mummy says Leo is a Ravenclaw," Minnie crossed her arms, giving Blaise and Harry a very Hermione glare.

            "You got any money in that Pygmy bank of yours that you want to bet, MJ?" Blaise raised an eyebrow, and Minnie stuck her tongue out at him.

            "Can you guys knock it off?" I whispered harshly, glaring at Harry and Blaise, "Rose is already a mess about him leaving, I doubt she wants to hear about your betting."

            "She that upset?" Ginny asked, walking in the room and sitting on the arm of the chair that Harry sat, bouncing their son on his knee.

            Rose likes to say that we started the baby trend, but I don't really know if that is accurate.

            Harry and Ginny got right to work after their wedding. Their first child was a son. James Arthur Potter. Spitting image of his father. Slap a scar on his forehead, and it felt like I was looking at the same 11-year-old I met at the robe shop in Diagon Alley all those years ago. He was 8 years old now, and already shaping up to be Gryffindor's next seeker. They then had Cedric Remus Potter, who looked adored the red hair of his mother and the eyes of his father. Very Weasley. He was the trouble maker of the Potter boys, and I often had to keep an eye on him around Nora, as he was prone to trying to hug her at all times. She-Weasel was currently pregnant with their third, a girl, Lily Jean Potter, who was due in a few weeks.

            Ron and Hermione waited a bit longer between children, and just two years ago had their second child, a boy, named after his father. I had gotten used to having so many Weasleys around, but two Ron's? Bloody hell.

            Five years ago, Blaise and Millicent took a trip to the United States for a "weekend getaway" and came back married with photos of them in chapel with an impersonator of a muggle musician named Elvis. Blaise was thrilled, and really, I don't know why I expected anything different. Blaise was adamant that he and Millicent were only going to have two children, but it appears that the world had another plans. Six months ago, Millicent gave triplets. Seeing Blaise juggle having not one, not two, but three small children was absolutely hilarious to say the least. What made it even better was that their triples were girls. Lucy Rose, Alyssa Daphne, and Zissy Pansy Zabini. Four girls, including Millicent vs. Blaise. It was wonderful.

            Him and I work full time at the ministry as detectives in the Auror department, specifically dealing with cases dealing with dark magic all across Europe. Growing up around and working alongside the world's most evil wizards for a chunk of your life apparently did have some perks after all.

            August and Pansy got married, now making me somewhat related to Pansy, which was quite odd to think about. August and I agreed a while ago to put our differences behind us for the sake of our children, due to the fact that they were technically cousins. Pansy and August first had a boy that they named Sirius, after August's father, followed two years later by a daughter, which they aptly named, April. I think to think I had something to do with that. The irony was there, for sure.

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