Chapter Fifty-Six

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"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort shouted loudly, throwing his arms in the air as his small army laughed behind him.

"No! No—" Ginny cried out, trying to run to him, but quickly was held back by Arthur, whose face read of heartbreak as well.

Harry laid limp in Hagrid's arms, and I could hardly stomach the site.

I squeezed Draco's hand as our eyes fell to our parents.

Narcissa, Lucius, and my father. All standing three in a row. Looking directly back at us as if they were about to crumble themselves.

"Ah...I see some familiar faces in front of me now..." Voldemort's eyes scanned across the crowd, "Seeing that the boy who lived has now died at my hand...I can't help but feel...generous."

I looked him square in the eye when his gaze fell to mine, and his eyebrows quirked up for a moment.

"I am giving those who have previously betrayed me a chance to return to me...unharmed. We all have lapses in judgement, and your parents have begged me for mercy on your souls. So, I am giving you the option now..." he extending his spindly hand towards the crowd, "...Come home."

I gasped.

Draco and I didn't move.

"I don't trust him." Draco said in my head.

"Draco...Rose..." Narcissa stepped forward, extending her own hand, "Come..."

Draco and I looked at each other, and silently we made our decision. No words were spoken, but we knew what was right. We knew where we belonged.

We didn't move.

We were already home.

"I guess we will have to do this the hard way then..." Voldemort sneered, "Collect the traitors."

Puffs of black smoke erupted into the air, and before we had a chance to react, Theodore was behind me, yanking Draco and I apart and dragging me into the middle of the courtyard.

I was forced to my knees, and my head was yanked up by my hair to face him.

The Dark Lord.

"Long time no see, Tom." I managed to get out against the grip that Theo had on my face.

Voldemort sneered and slapped my face.

"I should have known you would defy me." He curled a finger under my chin, "You've always been the mouthy one."

"Let her go." Draco fought from the side, being held back by Yaxley.

"But where is the fun in that, Draco?" Voldemort's voice went high, "Why, don't you want to see your wife die?"

I squeezed my eyes shut as that fucking snake slithered around me, and a tear fell out.

"Let's should we do it, Nagini? A simple curse...make it quick? Or possibly...making her skin melt off? Maybe we could just set her on fire—"

"You can' can't kill her. Don't kill her! Please!" Leo shouted out desperately.


I knew what was coming.

I pleaded with him with my eyes, but I knew there was nothing he wouldn't do to save me right now.

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