Chapter Thirty

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"Still pissed that you're forcing me to do this." I shot a sideways look at Celia as we walked down to the parlor room.

"So, have you spoken to Malfoy?" she completely ignored my questions, swaying her feet slightly as we walked.

Yes, yes, I have. And I'm even more confused than I already was.

"No. Not really." I replied, fiddling with the ring on my finger.

Celia frowned and pushed some hair out of her face.

I don't know why, but I was able to occlude away those weird feelings that the nightmare left me with. The feeling of dread and ominous darkness was swept under the rug easily as I showered this morning, Now, if only I could Occlude away a few other lingering emotions that are causing me distress.

"Good morning, ladies. Are we ready to sing our hearts out? Or shall I say are you ready to sing your heart out? Me singing would just end up calling upon some sort of dog or—" Leo started to ramble on as we entered the parlor room.

I see that Narcissa made some upgrades to the décor and the piano. It was quite lovely, really.

"This the set list?" Leo plucked a piece of paper out of Celia's hand and started to read.

"Give me that. You nosey little bastard." Celia chuckled, swatting her brother on the shoulder as we walked further into the room.

"Ah, good morning everyone. I've had Topsy bring some tea, but would anyone prefer coffee? We have French press and Chilean bean." Narcissa's voice elegantly filled the room. She truly was a wonderful host.

"I'll have tea, Topsy." I smiled down to the house elf at Narcissa's feet.

"Dash of cream and one sugar, Miss Eros?" her little voice peeped timidly.

"Yes, please." I replied.

"How funny," Narcissa giggled, almost as if to herself, "Draco takes his the same way. Just like his coffee." She handed me my saucer and cup after taking it from Topsy.

"Thank you." I smiled, slightly tipping up my glass.

She winked at me slightly and walked over to the piano. "Have you all sorted out which song you would like yet? I do find these all so beautiful, so which ever you choose I'm sure Rose will sing it wonderfully." Narcissa walked over to the sheet of paper that was now on the top of the elegant matte black piano that sat in the middle of the cozy room.

"I wanted to hear a few of my favorites before I decide on the final one. I've got a good idea of which one I like though. Silas loves it as well." Celia stay down slowly in a plush leather chair, crossing her legs daintily over one another.

"Well then don't let me stop you from getting started, Rose, my dear." Narcissa backed away from the paper and motioned her hands forward.

Celia didn't like the vibes of the first song. "Not romantic enough. Not sure if I like the guitar in that one either." She shot a look over to Leo, who had messed up the first few cords a couple of times.

The second song was better. A little more upbeat, fast paced, but it didn't seem like a first dance song.

"Next," Celia finished her tea and set it on the table next to her.

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