Chapter Sixty-Two

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Standing in front of my childhood home felt like standing in front of an ancient museum. That's how it always felt.

I never really felt at home when I was at this home.

It felt like a façade. A front my mother and father put up to make it appear as if everything was fine. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Normal pureblood family.

There is no such thing as a normal pureblood family.

I wasn't as worried as I thought I would be to return home. I was almost excited to get all of the things that I cherished about this house. The very...very few things.

Family photos, my mother's things, my father's pocket watches, and maybe a few other things that I couldn't bear to part with.

This wasn't my house anymore.

This was property of the ministry now. I was merely collecting some belongings.

Thank God.

The stress of having this house off of my hands was unmeasurable. It no longer had a claim on me. These walls were just walls. These windows were just windows. This house was just a giant block of cement and childhood trauma that wasn't a part of my responsibility anymore.

The feeling was nearly laughable. I no longer looked at this house and felt a pit in my stomach, I felt relief.

I would never have to enter this house again after today.

And thank the stars for that.

"I am here to assist you if needed." The Auror that traveled to the Eros estate with us stated firmly, nodding his head and taking his post at the door.

A lot of trust they're putting into us here.

My fingers ran over the rich dark wood door that held behind it almost every memory I wanted to forget.

And I push it open.

The small gust of wind blew back my hair, and it was like all of the negativity left the four walls at once. The dark cloud that always seemed to loom over the house was gone. It was like I had just opened Pandora's box, and out spilt all of the contents that made up my boxed-up memories.

"I haven't been here in ages." Draco looked up and around the grand entry way as we took our first few steps into my old home.

"Neither have I." I sighed, my eyes gazing upon the large family portrait that hung solemnly in the foyer.

I never liked that portrait.

We looked as if we were in pain.

Probably because we were.

The clicks of my heels echoed over the marble floors, bouncing around the entire empty house.

Draco followed behind as I walked around the bones of my memories. Admiring pictures, tracing my fingers along busts of ancient witches and wizards, studying the art pieces that my mother took pride in.

I sent a few of them home to the "Cottage de Malfoy". The small paintings that she did herself, the works of art she was sit and admire for hours. I wanted those images to be something I got to admire everyday too.

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