Chapter 19

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Happy Sunday! I'm going to update a few times today. Yay! Song: Skinny Love (By Bon Iver) enjoy this chapter xoxo

I decided to go to school the next day, even as scared as I was. To see Levi. To see Evan. To face Angelina and her stupid rumors.

I wore black skinny jeans, and a black and white striped crop top, with a leather jacket over the top. And topped off my outfit with ankle boots. Holly picked out this outfit when we went bowling together over the summer with all of her friends. So, props to Holly.

I made sure to cover up all marks on my neck and face. My face still had a bruise from when Levi hit me.

Evan offered to give me a ride to and from school. He mentioned that we haven't been seeing each other often. Which wasn't true, we were in Civics together. And we ate lunch together. And on occasion, I'd see him outside of school.

Evan picked me up around 8am. He was wearing black pants with a grey and black striped t-shirt.

I giggled. "We're matching."

"Oh. How coincidental." Evan laughed.

We got to school and Evan walked me to Zoology. Levi walked past us and gave me a dirty glare.

"What was that for?" Evan asked.

"I don't know." I lied. I had kicked Levi out last night, because he was beginning to make me uncomfortable.

Evan shrugged it off and gave me a light peck on the lips. "See you 2nd period."

I nodded and walked into the classroom. Everybody looked at me, like I did something wrong. I heard several whispers as I sat down at my seat. Once again, I started to feel sick to my stomach.

"Aurora, are you okay?" Holly whispered to me.

"I need to go to the bathroom." I gulped and stood up. Mrs. Bridges let me go to the bathroom.

I ran down the hallway to the bathroom, only to accidentally run into Stacey Fisher, Alexis Gotu, and Tamika Browns. They're best friends with Angelina.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I quickly said.

Alexis furiously looked at me. "Whatever. Highly doubt you're sorry."

"Yeah, especially for what you did to Angelina. Sleeping with Tyler." Stacey reapplied her pink, fruity smelling lipgloss.

"I think you deserve to be taught a lesson." Alexis continued.

"I really don-" I was cut off by Alexis shoving me back into the lockers. I banged my head on one of the locks.

"Why did you sleep with Tyler? What was the point?" Alexis was raising her voice.

"Listen, I didn't sleep with him! Angelina is lying!"

"Yeah, right!" Alexis grabbed me by the hair and slammed my head into the lockers, hard.

I yelped in pain, hoping somebody would walk out into the hallway, seeing what was going on.

"You're just a lying, backstabbing bitch! Angelina said she thought you two were friends. But apparently not." Stacey yelled.

Alexis slapped me in the face. First Levi, then Angelina's friends? What was going on? I grabbed my cheek in pain, and Alexis laughed.

"Better watch out, Aurora." Stacey said.

Tamika didn't say or do anything this whole time, and I was starting to wonder if she was really a part of their group or not. Stacey and Alexis walked away, but Tamika slowly approached me.

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