Chapter 7

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Short but sweet chapter. Song: Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran. (LIVE)
Enjoy xoxo

Evan came over around 6 o'clock. Just like he said he would.

I noticed we were both wearing what we wore to school today. Evan's hair looked abit more messier though.

His eyes also looked really dark and strained, like he had been crying earlier.

"Hey," I motioned him to come inside.

He walked inside. "You have a really nice house."

I chuckled. "Thanks."

Evan followed me into the kitchen, where my mom was making dinner. I had told my mom alittle about Evan earlier, but not too much. She'd obsess over it if I told her everything.

Mom looked up. "Are you the famous Evan?"

Evan looked at me then back at my mom. "Why, yes I am." He smiled.

Mom wiped her hands on a towel and rushed over to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"You too." Evan said.

"Why don't you stay for dinner?" Mom asked.

"No, mom, that's okay." I quickly said.

She shot me a look.

"Evan and I were going to go out," I gulped. "I think."

The last thing I wanted was to be cooped up in the house with my mom, interrogating Evan.

"I'd love to stay. Thank you, Mrs. Fawcett." Evan smiled. He knew that staying would make me upset.

I rolled my eyes.

It was weird to even think about what relationship Evan and I had. I mean, we weren't dating. We were just friends. But I feel like best friends, possibly. I can tell him anything and know that he won't judge me, no matter what. And that's probably a good friendship to have. But I'm not sure if our friendship is going to move into a relationship.

"We're having spaghetti and meatballs, is that ok?" Mom broke the silence.

"Yes of course." Evan replied. He took a seat on the bar stool next to me.

"So," Mom stirred the homemade spaghetti sauce. "Are you two a thing?"

I squinted my eyes. "A thing?"

"Yeah, like dating?" She asked.

"No," Evan replied. He then whispered something that I think only I heard. "Not yet."

The front door slammed. It must of been Adam.

A muddy Adam stormed into the kitchen, with soaking wet hair and dirty clothes.

"Adam, how was football practice? Go clean up, honey. We have a guest." Mom said sternly. Her facial expression read, 'Get out of this kitchen while you're that dirty'.

Adam smirked. "Aurora's boyfriend?"

"Adam, this is Evan. And for your information, we aren't dating." I said.

Evan held out his hand to shake Adam's, but Adam walked by. "Sorry, dude, let me clean up first."

Adam came back as soon as dinner was ready. He was wearing jeans and a green t-shirt. His blonde hair was wet, like he had just gotten out of the shower.

We ate dinner and talked for awhile. My mom didn't actually question Evan to much. And Adam was actually...nice. Maybe Evan brought out the good in them.

Evan and I went downstairs to the basement. We basically had another living room in the basement.

We sat down on the couch.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "Sure."

"Okay, you're the guest, so you get to pick a movie." I pointed to the shelf where the movies were.

Evan walked over to them. "Action? Comedy? Horror?"

I laid my head back on the couch. "I don't care."

"How about Taken?" Evan turned around.


Evan put the movie in and sat back down.

About an hour into the movie, Evan looked at me.

"Stop looking at me." I kept my eyes on the movie.

"But, you're gorgeous."

I blushed and giggled.

"Aurora," Evan trailed off.

"What?" I finally looked at him.

"I was going to take you to the river tonight because I had a question to ask you."

I furied my eyebrows. "What were you going to ask me?"

"Something that makes me so nervous." He looked down.

"Well don't be nervous. I mean, it's fine." I replied.

He nodded. "Will you be my girlfriend, Aurora?"

"Of course." I smiled.

I pushed away all of my doubts that I had earlier in the sandwich shop. And what Angelina said.

Evan smiled. "Yay."

I giggled and slowly rested my head on his shoulder.

Boy, did I have alot to tell Holly.

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