Chapter 36

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Hey guys. I have strep throat, so I'm not going to school tomorrow, so I'll be updating ALOT throughout the weekend. :) anyways, this chapter is kinda short and it might be the only chapter for today, but idk yet. Anyways, enjoy xoxo
Song: Heart Wants What It Wants (Cover)

Conrad unbuttoned my jeans and kissed my stomach, underneath my belly button. He slowly removed my skinny jeans and kissed my leg, all the way down to my ankle. We were both almost fully naked now.

Conrad pulled me into a slow and tender kiss. I had to admit, he was a good kisser.

He had blonde, curly locks of hair, and deep, deep, brown eyes. He kind of looked like James, but the more I looked at Conrad, the more I less believed it. Conrad had a muscular body. But not like major, huge muscles. Just medium sized, cute muscles. Like Evan.


I pulled myself away from Conrad and began crying into the pillow.

"Oh my god, Aurora, are you ok?" Conrad looked around.

I shook my head.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"This isn't right, I'm sorry. I can't do this." I wiped my tears and stood up, grabbing my shirt off of the floor and slipping it on. It reached just below my butt.

Conrad followed me out into the kitchen, but this time he had pants on.

"Aurora, what's going on? I thought we were going somewhere." He looked disappointed.

"I don't know," I put a kettle of water on the stove. "It's just kind of difficult right now."

"What's kind of difficult?" He watched me, carefully pouring two tea bags into the water.

I sighed. "I just can't do certain things with you, Conrad."

"Like what, Aurora?"

"I can't have sex with you!" I yelled and threw my hands in my face, tears coming out of my eyes.

"Aurora," Conrad walked over to me, carefully putting his hands on my shoulders. "If you didn't want to, why didn't you say something before getting my hopes up?" He slightly chuckled.

"I'm sorry," I carefully took the boiling water off of the stove and poured myself a glass of tea. "Want some tea?"

Conrad shook his head no. I trustily took his hand in mine, and walked back to my bedroom. I set my tea on my nightstand and carefully pushed Conrad on my bed, kissing his lips once.

"Don't get your hopes up." I winked.

Conrad lightly smiled. "You got it."

I kissed him once more, then we both got underneath the warm blankets and cuddled until we fell asleep.


The weekend was absolute hell. No Evan yet. He didn't come through.

Conrad left about an hour ago. He was so hot, it made my heart hurt. Oh wait, my heart was already hurting.

I called Holly, asking her to come over. She still didn't know about Evan.

"So, Evan..." I trailed off. I didn't know how to tell her without her wanting to beat him.

"What about him?" She poured some sour cream and onion chips into a bowl.

"Well," I gulped. "Kevin invited Evan and I to a party, and I lost Evan, then when I found him, I saw him making out almost naked with some girl."

Holly dropped the bowl of chips. "What the hell?"

I collapsed into the couch and began crying. "And-And, I'm such a bad person."

Holly squinted. "Why are you a bad person?"

"I invited Conrad over and we almost did it."

"Almost had sex?" She smirked.

"Yeah, I stopped him though." I was still crying.

"Apart from needing to beat Evan's ass, I've been meaning to tell you something. Drew and I had sex." Holly started cleaning up the chips off of the floor.

"You what?!" I was surprised.

"Yeah. It happened on that camping trip we took." She looked at me.


"What?" She giggled. She thought it was funny.

"It's not something funny. What if, what if you're pregnant?" I stuttered.

"Relax. We used protection. Did you use protection when you and Levi did things?"

I crossed my arms. "We didn't do anything."

Holly laughed. "Yeah, right."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, we did use protection."

Holly chuckled. "I knew it."

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