Ch. 16 - Sana

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A/N: This chapter is pretty long tbh LOL enjoy!

Yves joins and laughs with us. "Alright, see ya Jinsoul."

"Bye~, Jinsoul!" I say as we start walking to our class.

She waves with a huge smile on her face.

I stare at the clock, eagerly waiting for the bell to ring.


Awesome! I thought as I pack my notebook into my backpack. Yves and I meet up at the door and walk off to my car.

"Next stop: Twice's Dorm." I say in a stern voice again as if we're some secret agents.

Yves laughs and pushes my shoulder, "Weirdo."

We reach the car and I turn on my phone to text one of the Twice members. Who should I text? I think to myself. Hmm..this shouldn't be so hard. I sigh.

I'll just text Mina.
Y/N🌌 to Minari 👾 : Annyeong, Unnie! Class ended and me and Yves will go to your dorm now.

I instantly get a reply back.

Minari 👾: Okay! I just told the girls and hjfdjgkhdhd

Y/N🌌: Mina?

A minute passes and I finally get a text back from her.

Minari👾: I'm back. They took my phone and were scanning the messages....! They're so weird kekeke!

Y/N🌌: Ahh oki! I'll see you there Minari~ 🤍

I turn my phone off and started the car.
"Next Destination: Twice's Dorm. Approximate time: In 15 minutes." I say in a stern deep voice.

Yves covers her mouth hiding her laughs. I look at her and laugh too.

Mina POV
Y/N just called me Minari~ with a heart! A white heart! I think to myself still looking down on my phone.

"Mina, are you okay?" Jeongyeon asks with a confused look.

"Yeah! I'm great!" I say showing my gummy smile.

Jeongyeon nods and turns back to the KDrama she's watching.

Y/N is so cute! Oh, no. Stop Mina. I can't be like the other girls. I can't be crazy in love with her right in front of her. Okay Myoui Mina. Orrr...Minari like what Y/N said hehe...NO! Mina got this. I shake my head to leave my thoughts of Y/N. I take a few deep breaths.

First POV
Alright, we're finally here. We hop out of my car, but before I take any other step, I fix my hair and clothes. Yves sees me doing that and laughs at me.

"What? I want to look good!" I say winking.

"N/N, you do realize they will think you look good no matter what. I mean...they are in love with you." Yves teases.

I have no idea how to reply to that. We start walking to their floor.

I doorbell their door and automatically hear talking and loud foot steps. I smile getting ready to whatever will happen to us. The door opens and 9 pairs of eyes go straight to me and Yves.

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