Ch. 21 - Twice?

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"Definitely! I'll tell her. Bye, Y/N!" She smiles and walks off to class as I do the same.

The day ends like the usual.

I yawn stretching my limbs, less grumpy than yesterday morning. I'm excited to hang with Jinsoul and Chuu!

I eat a smaller breakfast and head to my closet.

I nod in agreement with my choice for today

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I nod in agreement with my choice for today. I give myself a thumbs up in the mirror like always and head to my car.

I doorbell her house and see Yves opening the door this time. I walk in and smell something delicious! I inhale the yummy smell following the trace of it and stopping at the kitchen. I stare down at the food and my mouth drops open. (Just imagine any type of breakfast you love! The choice is yours)

"Dig in, Y/N!" Yves's mom says facing the stove.

"Sure! Thank you!" I grab a fork and plate from the counter and dig right in.

I slump down on my seat and groan.

"Auntie, your food is always so yummy." I say rubbing my full stomach.

"Glad you loved it, sweetie." She turns around and smiles.

"Ready to go?" Yves says looking up from her phone.

"Yeah, let's go!" I stand up from my seat. "Thank you for the food again, Auntie." I smile using my whole face. (Smiling so hard you can't see anymore)

We leave and go to my car. We drive to the university and see Jinsoul!

I run to Jinsoul giving her a hug. Our first hug.
"Hi, Jinsoul!" I say excitedly.

"Hi, Y/N!" She says just as excitedly and hugs me back.

Yves pinches the side of my stomach causing me to flinch away from the hug.

"Oww~" I say expressing the pain that gave on my face.

"Let's go!" She laughs and we head inside.

"Oh, guys! I told Chuu that she can come with us and she was jumping up and down. I'm sure you'll like her just as much as I do." She looks at both of us.

We nod and smile. I can't wait to meet this Chuu girl, Yves looks just as excited as me.

We walk to home room and I become aware of my surroundings. The people, the noise, and what the people are doing. As I walk past people, the hallway of people look at the 3 of us. Me, especially. I hope I don't look weird or anything, I mean I looked fine this morning.

I look back at some of the people watching me, they turn their heads around kind of embarrassed? Why? I'm not thinking anything bad...I hope it doesn't look like it.

The next people who look at me as I walk down the hallway, I give them a friendly wave and smile. One of the girls next to her group of friends looks down and covers her face with her hands. I raise my eyebrows in confusion and I enter my home room with Jinsoul and Yves.

We sit at our seats and listen to the lecture.

Same thing as next class.

Finally, lunch! I walk to the entrance of the cafeteria and I see Jinsoul with an unfamiliar girl, a bit shorter than her with thin bangs smiling brightly. Too bright. Cute!

I walk to them and say hello.

"Annyeong! Are you..Chuu?" I say looking at Jinsoul first and then Chuu.

"Yes! I am Chuu! So nice to meet you, Y/N. Wow you're so tall, Jinsoul wasn't lying." She says as her eyes shine looking up at me and smiling.
"Where's...Yves?" She suddenly asks.

"Oh, she's coming soon!" I answer. "And...what else was Jinsoul saying about me?" I scratch the back of my neck hiding my smile.

"That you were absolutely stunni-" Chuu couldn't finish and Jinsoul steps in front of Chuu.

"That you're a cool person. Yup. Oh! There's Yves!" She says losing her focus on me.

Yves walks up to us and lands her eyes on Chuu.

Yves's POV
I walk up to them and I see a girl a bit shorter than me, with thin bangs and gleaming eyes. Mesmerizing.

Jinsoul steps in front of Chuu talking to Y/N and she sees me walking to them. The 3 look at me and I smile. I reach them and my eyes land on Chuu. 'She's so cute.' Is the first words I thought of when I saw her.

Chuu eyes widen and says, "Annyeonghaseyo! I'm Chuu!" She smiles bright. "You're so beautiful." She kind of pouts and I hide my smile after the sudden confession.

My eyes get lost in hers until Y/N says something. Thanks, Y/N.

"Let's eat lunch?" She says walking towards the cafeteria.

We follow her and order our foods. We find a table and seat ourselves. I sit next to Chuu and Jinsoul and Y/N sit next to each other in front of us. We start eating.

"Yves," Chuu looks up to me. "Who's your bias in Twice?" She says not breaking eye contact.

Y/N coughs almost choking on her food after hearing Chuu's question. Can she make it more obvious!?

Jinsoul has a worried look on her face offering Y/N her water. Y/N drinks it and looks up to me and Chuu.

"Excuse me." She chuckles even after she choked on her food like it was her last minutes of life.

"Uhh.." I look at Y/N and back to Chuu. "Momo. Yours?" I say smiling.

Chuu wraps her arms on mine and says, "Jinja! Mine is Sana~"

Y/N chokes again but this time with her water. Jinsoul looks at her again with a less worried look and more of a "Girl r u ok" look.

Y/N stops coughing and smiles innocently at us.

Can I pull myself together? I choked on my food 2 times just by the mentions of Twice. Can I make it anymore obvious? I eat my food a little bit more slowly.

They change the conversation and I just eat my food, pretending I didn't embarrass myself in front of someone I just met.

Lunch ends and we walk to our last class. We say goodbye to Chuu and Jinsoul and walk away.

"Does the word 'Twice' trigger you?" Yves laughs at her own joke.

"'s not that I think." I say scratching my head. "It just feels weird to me still that we're friends with Twice. And then we just resume our lives back to normal." Of course there are multiple other girl groups in Korea that I admire as well.

Yves nods agreeing with me. We walk into the classroom and find our seats.

Class ends and me and Yves walk out the class excitedly because we'll be hanging with Jinsoul and Chuu!

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