Ch. 34 - JYP

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I walked into the room quietly and I froze. Chan was in the practice room with them.

Chan saw me first and looked surprised as well. He waved and I waved back.

"Chan, you know Y/N?" Sana asked.

"No, we saw each other before I came here." Chan answered and the girls nods.

"That was a bad first impression of me." I laughed awkwardly and walked toward them. "I'm Jeon Y/N, nice to meet you Chan."

"Nice to meet you too!" He hugged me and let go with a very sweet smile. Definitely a Libra.

"She's our very close friend. We invited her to our practice room." Sana said and walked over to me to wrap me into a tight side hug.

I nodded and the girls talked to Chan. He said he stopped by the practice room to just check up on them and how they were doing. He's a sweet guy! I'm glad the girls get to have someone who is also a Kpop idol and is really sweet.

"Alright, I have to go back to my practice room now. Goodbye, Noonas!" He hugged them each and he walked over to me.

"It was awesome meeting you, I hope we can see each other again." He hugged me and left.

"I love JYP idols!" I yelled and the girls laughed at me.


The girls finished their practice after 3 hours of hard work. They were exhausted after using all their energy for the choreography.

Jihyo stands up quickly and examines her phone, maybe a text message she received.

"Girls," Jihyo said, "PD-nim is coming to check up on us."

Everyone nodded and I sat frozen. Meeting JYP? The first day I'm inside the building!

"Don't worry, Y/N-chan." Mina pats my head softly. "Just act natural, alright? I'm sure he'll be very welcoming." Mina smiled softly at me. Mina always knows when I need this type of conversation with someone. I nod and smiled as a response.

A few minutes later, JYP knocked on the door and opened it. He waves and walks up to where we were at.

"Annyeonghaseyo, PD-nim!" The girls say together.

"Annyeonghaseyo! How was your practice today?" He asked. He was in comfortable clothing, nothing too formal.

"It was great! Of course tiring, but we had our friend with us today who motivated us." Jihyo walks up to me and grabs my arm. "This is Jeon Y/N!"

JYP had a confused look on his face, like he had million thoughts running around in his head.

"Jeon Y/N? Jeon Y/N..?" He murmured. After much thinking, he said something else.
"Parents named Jeon Jinho and Jeon Sunhee?" He looked at me and his confused expression turned bright. Like a switch was flicked.

"Yes! How did you know?" I asked standing up and walking closer to them.

He walked up to me and gave me a hug. The hug seemed genuine and heartwarming, I don't know this man though.

He pulls away from the hug and catches himself almost about to tear up. "I-I'm sorry. That was sudden.." he examined my face and he smiled.
"You look exactly like your mother."

"What's..what's going on?" I finally ask after all the reoccurring questions popping into my head.

"You see, your brother, Jaeyeon, he was my son's closest friend many years ago. Ever since they were kids to teens. I became close with your family and even your aunties and uncles as well." He answered and things made more sense now. He's basically a close friend of my family before I could even remember.

I was surprised, definitely, to know the JYP is a close friend of my family.

"You were just a baby the last time I saw you. I'm sure you don't remember." He chuckled.
"You used to devour food like an adult, honestly."

I laugh in embarrassment. He pats me on the back, "It's great seeing you again, after all these years."

"Definitely." I look over to the girls and they were amazed. Gosh, if I were in their shoes I'd be screaming.

JYP, or Uncle Jinyoung as he told me to call him that from now on, got to know more about me with my studies. I told him about my family in the US resuming the company there.

"That reminds me. I remember talking to your parents, maybe in your living room many years ago in the US. They were talking about how they'll pursue this company and hold onto it. That company started from a small idea." He shook his head, smiling.
"They were so passionate about it. I'm proud of them. They've made it so far and they're not stopping yet."

I smiled as the girls listened to our short conversation. "Thank you, Mr.- Uncle Jinyoung."

"Of course, Y/N. Oh right, here's my number." He gave me a card with his personal phone number. "Tell your parents to call me sometime when they're not busy. Arasseo?"

"You got it." I gave him a short hug and he said his farewell to the girls.

The door closed and everyone looked at me. It was pure silence in this room.

"You know our boss!?" Dahyun exclaimed.

"I..I didn't know either! I was just as surprised." I backed up with my hands up. They walked closer to me with questions left to right.

"If you say Jennie unnie from Blackpink is your cousin, I won't be surprised anymore." Jeongyeon teased and made the girls laugh.

"Are you the niece of the President of the United States." Dahyun teased.

"What! No!" I exclaimed in English. Everyone laughed and walked away.

"What other things are you hiding?" Sana asked with her eyes glued on me.

"What do you mean by that?" I said as I plopped back down on the couch.

"We talked about our lives a lot, but still you seem so mysterious." Sana walked closer to me again and sits herself down on my lap. Out of no where.

"Unnie, I have no idea what you're talking about." I wrap my arms on her waist.

The girls seemed to have left the conversation already so it's just me and Sana talking.

"Are you sure?" She looks back behind to face me.

"Yes, 100% sure. What else do you want to know anyways?" A playful smile grew on my face. "Past girlfriends or something?"

She turned to face front again and didn't answer my question until a few seconds after.
"Yes." She said quietly.

"You have nothing to worry about then, Sana." I squeeze her into a back hug and faced the girls who were doing their own things.

Started at an Arcade [Twice x fem reader <3]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora