Ch. 38 - Aftermath

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I parked at the front of the entrance. Before she opened the door, she pulled me closer to her and kissed me passionately for the last time.

"Thank you. Let's do this again sometime." She opened the door and left the car.

I huffed with my heart beating out of my chest. Today was awesome.

Twice POV
Mina went inside the dorm quietly to not make a scene because she went home later than she thought. But she didn't regret it at all.

"There you are!" Jihyo said with her hands on her hips.

"Sorry~" Mina said quietly, walking closer to the living room.

"I thought you were just going to stop by at Y/N's for a bit."

"Oh, I did. But we... we did something before the day ended." Mina smiled warmly, causing Jihyo's motherly habits to vanish.

"Did you have fun?" Jihyo sighed.

"A lot of fun!" Mina skipped to the couch.

Jihyo ran to the couch next to Mina and whispered, "So what did you two do? Give me all the details!" She squealed.

"Okay! So we.." before Mina could tell Jihyo everything, Nayeon and Momo came out of their rooms.

"You're finally back." Nayeon groaned.

"Why do you sound so angry? She was probably having fun with Y/N." Momo emphasized "fun" and made Mina jump from her seat.

"We did have fun but not fun, Momoring!" Mina shook her head because of the other Japanese member's mind.

"That's the thing, Momo. She could've done anything with Y/N!" Nayeon sounded jealous.

"Girls, be quiet. Now Mina, tell us what you did today." Jihyo settled the three down.

A small smile grew on Mina's lip remembering what happened today. "We..."

Jihyo, Momo, and especially Nayeon's mouth dropped after hearing the whole day with Y/N.

"And yeah. She dropped me off and now I'm here. :]" Mina finished and waited for her member's replies.

"You and Y/N kissed?" Nayeon was the first to speak.

"On the beach? During a sunset?" Jihyo questioned excitedly.

"You ate ice cream?!" Nayeon smacked the back of Momo's head because that wasn't the point of what Mina said.

"Yup! I even kissed her before I left her car. Today was awesome." Mina sat back down comfortably on her seat but JiNaMo were still stunned.


"What was it like?" Nayeon whispered in Mina's ear as the girls watched a K Drama.

"What was?" Mina asked.

"The kiss."

"W-what? G-good? I..I don't know!?"

"Hmph, okay." Nayeon laid her back on the couch and Mina was still deep in thought.

Mina still thought about the wonderful day, or shall she say date she had with Y/N. It was perfect.

Once I reached the condo, I ran around the whole place and doing jumping jacks. That was the most perfect day ever. Or date? I don't know, I don't know what to call it.

The adrenaline was kicking in me, I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that just happened! Everything was just perfect. That kiss was different than Sana and Nayeon. Those kisses were definitely something as well, but Mina's kiss. It was just..

*Ring Ring Ring*

Eomma👩‍👧is calling...

I answered the phone in English, "Hi, Mom!"

"Hi, Y/N! We'll arrive on Wednesday morning, I just wanted to remind you." Mom said on the other phone.

"Great! I won't forget. Did you guys pack your things already?"

"Mhm! Your father has been nonstop saying how much he can't wait to see you." She said and a smile grew on my face. I noticed she'd switch to Korean and English every time we talk.

"I can't wait to see him too. Oh-Mom, have you talked to Uncle Jinyoung yet?"

"Yeah, we did! I called when you sent me his number. It's great you got to meet Jinyoung."

"Yup..especially since he's the owner of JYP Entertainment! There's groups I love under that company."

"Eh, really? I'd love to meet them."

"We'll see. I already told Twice you guys are coming soon. They were more excited than me." I laughed and I heard her giggle on the other line.

"Great, great. I have to get going now, goodbye Y/N. Take care and I'll see you soon. I love you~"

"I love you too, take care as well." The call ended and I placed my phone down

I decided to sleep earlier than usual on Friday nights and got ready for bed. Let's see what tomorrow has for us.

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