Ch. 31 - Gym + Cafe

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After the heartfelt moment we had, everyone left to get ready for whatever plans we'll have for the day.

The rest of the day was full of laughs and smiley faces. Everyone was exhausted at the end. I ordered food every 2 hours for fun and we surprisingly finished it all.

Manager Unnie, or the so called Sadness Unnie because she looks like Sadness from Inside Out picked them up around 6 pm. The sad look on their faces before they left my condo made me want to tear up, not gonna lie. But it's not like I won't be seeing them soon.

Yves wanted me to drop her off so she can rest as well. It's a Saturday night so the weekend isn't coming to an end. I walk to my fridge to get some ice cream until my phone rang.

I grab it and the name plastered on the screen is: Tzuyu 🐻

"Annyeong, Tzu!" I answer excitedly.

"Hi, Y/N! I just wanted to talk to you." She answers.

"Ah, okay! About what?"

"Uh.. just, just anything. I miss.. I mean we miss you!" Tzu confesses.

"You'll see me again soon! Don't worry, Tzutzu." I tease her and she giggles.

"Okay~. What are you doing now?"

"I was just gonna eat ice cream and head to bed. It seemed fun. How about you?"

"Nothing really. I think we'll probably do our own thing in the dorms." She sighs because of the boredom that'll make.

"Ah, okay. Sleep soon okay?" A smile forms on my face, conversations like these are nice to have.

"Oki, I will. You too!"

"I will." I hesitate on saying this before I end the call. "Dream of me, Tzu." I whisper the last parts; unfortunately, losing my boldness I thought I would have.

She giggles on the other side, "Of course, Y/N."

I end the call and turn my phone off placing the screen down.

I get my Oreo ice cream and dug in.


I woke up pretty well today. Considering I don't have an alarm screaming at me or a girl to take my arms off of. I make myself a bowl of cereal because I'm too lazy to make myself another breakfast like yesterday. (What cereal are you choosing?)

I finally check my phone and it's only 9 am. I also have a text from Jinsoul!

Jinsoul 🐻‍❄️: Goodmorning, Y/N. Have a good Sunday today!

A smile grew on my face with those simple words. She's so nice!

Y/N 🌌: Thank you! You too as well <3

I put my phone away and change into gym clothes. I haven't been to the gym on the first floor in a while so why not go today since I'm not busy!

I chose to do a cardio workout today. I hop on the treadmill one last time. In the middle of my running, I get a face time call from Momo.

I answer the call still running, panting from the exhausting run.

"He-hello, Momo." I say fixing the phone on the treadmill holders.

Her eyes widened at the sight. I'm all sweaty and exhausted, there's nothing nice to see here.

"Hi~, Y/N!" Momo says, analyzing her phone screen.
"I just wanted to see what you were doing today."

"Alright. I'm.." I exhaled. "Just at the gym in the condo building."

She has a wow expression, her eyes basically bulging from its eye socket. Then another person shows up in the screen. Sana!

"Hi, Sana." I say, even more exhausted.

"Oh my God." She covers her mouth. I smile in embarrassment.
"Screenshot that, Momoring! Hurry!" Momo listened to Sana and her phone moved a little from the screenshots. I shook my head. Weirdos.

"Okay, that's enough girls." I turn off the treadmill and take my phone from the holder.

I place it down and did a few relaxing stretches to end the workout. Momo and Sana were talking really fast, I didn't understand what the heck they meant. Probably looking at the screenshots they took of me.

"Are you girls busy today?" I ask.

"Nope, just a resting today. But in the weekdays, we'll have to practice." Momo says.

"Oh okay. Make time for yourself to rest." I say. Feeling tired but having to do things still is the worst feeling ever!

"So caring~" Sana says.

Momo slaps Sana on the arm and I laugh at the two almost twins.

"Okay, we'll go now. Bye Y/N! Take care today~" Momo says.

"Okay, goodbye girls. Take care as well." I say in Japanese which made the two shocked.

"Bye, Y/N-Chan." Sana says before the call ended.

I put my phone in my sweatpants pocket and leave the gym.

Before I walked in the elevator, I thought of going to a popular coffee shop I never had the chance to go to. The weather is nice so what I'm wearing is fine.

I walk to the coffee shop that was 20 minutes away. The line was pretty long. A girl in front of me, shorter, long dark hair, and with a bucket hat and mask was in front of me. She felt so familiar.

It was her turn to order and her calm voice was even more familiar. She finished ordering and turned around to see me. Those eyes! I know those eyes.


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