Ch. 22 - Festival Day(t) <3

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Class ends and me and Yves walk out the class excitedly because we'll be hanging with Jinsoul and Chuu!

The 4 of us chose to go to a festival near the edge of Seoul. I believe it is called Jinhae Cherry Blossom Festival, it starts at the last 2 weeks of March. The ride wasn't awkward at all, we made jokes here and there and Chuu kept on laughing. Flirting with Yves too.

We reach the Jinhae Cherry Blossom festival and there are tons of people here. Most of the people are teens, I'm assuming on dates. I take Jinsoul's hand so we won't lose each other and Yves does the same with Chuu.

I notice Jinsoul was hesitant holding my hand back but then she wraps her hand in mine. I smile and we point to places we'll go to. I turn around to see Chuu and Yves already eating churros without us! Me and Jinsoul laugh and buy one for ourselves.

"Nom, nom." Chuu says munching down her churro.

Yves squishes Chuu's cheeks causing Chuu to smile. Me and my partner look at each other and give a "They love each other" look.

We wander off leaving Chuu and Yves squishing each other's cheeks or whatever they're doing.

I see a Ferris wheel nearby and run to it, causing Jinsoul to automatically run with me. She noticed why we're running and runs even faster than me! We hop into the cabin and get ready for it to start.

"Are you scared of heights?" Jinsoul asks looking down at our hands that were still being held.

"Y-..nope!" I answer.

"Great, me too!" She says confidently causing me to form a genuine smile. The Ferris wheel starts and we start moving upwards.

"Wahh~ so pretty" Jinsoul says looking outside the window.

"Yup." I say but instead I look at her, not the view.

She turns around with a smile seeing me look at her instead of the view. "What?" She asks.

"Yeppo." I reply back and then finally looking at the view. The city of Seoul is easy to be seen, as we're almost at the top.

I just think of the people down there, what they're doing, what their lives are like. It always comes to my mind when I see something from afar.

I notice Jinsoul hasn't stopped looking at me after I called her pretty indirectly. I look at her with my eyebrows raised slightly confused.

She chuckles with her cheeks red from embarrassment. She turns away to look at the view once more. We're at the top and I just look around, appreciating everything and everyone. It's cheesy but times like this is so comforting. I rub Jinsoul's hand with mine still looking at the city.

I take my phone out taking a picture of Jinsoul's back with the view. I take many as I can so I can look back to them as much as I want. She turns around and smiles after she caught me taking pictures, I take some more with her smile and nod.

The ride ends and we hop out the cabin. I sigh in relief because I did not get scared of the heights! Thanks to Jinsoul <3.

We walk away from the Ferris wheel and see Chuu and Yves giggling with each other while walking to us.

"Hi!" Chuu yells after she sees us walking towards them.

We wave back and head to the other places in the festival. I look down at my hand and see it is still being held my Jinsoul's. A genuine smile forms on my face and I look back up to see Chuu and Yves doing the same.

It's 7:34 pm and it's time to go. Chuu became sleepy earlier and lost her bubbly cute personalty because of the continuous yawns coming from her. I can't blame her, she was jumping up and down every minute of the day.

I drop Chuu off using Jinsoul's directions and then driving to Jinsoul's house. We say our goodbyes to Jinsoul and talk about how much fun we had together until she moves closer to me from her front seat.

She leans in and plants a soft kiss on my cheek. I smile with my lips sealed together and she leaves the car. I drive off after I see that she gets inside.

I look at the mirror and see Yves with her jaw dropped.

"O M G." Yves says covering her mouth.

I didn't know how to reply back because that's my exact same reaction the whole time with the rest of the car ride.

I drop Yves off and say our goodbyes. We were both exhausted as well. I drive to my condo building and head inside. I go to the elevator pressing the 9th floor. I reach the floor and open my door by thumb print.

I plop down onto my bed but not moving too much because I haven't changed yet. I hear ringing from my phone and answer it. My phone had the words: Your Girlfriend 💕 is calling...

I answer it, "Yeoboseyo?" I say tiredly.

"Y/N! Hi, Y/N! How are you? I miss you so much!" Sana screams into the call. We saw each other 2 times already this week and it was only Wednesday!

"Hi~...Unnie." I pause, "I miss you too." I yawn making it quiet so it won't be rude.

"Ahh..are you sleepy?" She says not screaming anymore.

"Yeahh~. We went out with my friends to the Jinhae Festival. So fun..! Ferris wheel...holding hands.." I start to doze off but it ends when Sana answers.

"HOLDING HANDS?" She yells again.

"Ahh! Sana Unnie!" I say sitting up from my bed, not feeling tired as much anymore after the human alarm.
"Yes, holding hands. You should go to the festival, it's fun and cute." I say.

"I'd love to go with you! When?" She asks excitedly.

"Huh? With me? I just went." I reply.

"I didn't know you were so brave." Sana teases.

"Unnie." I reply back, tired with her teasing.

"Hehe, I'm just kidding. I miss you so much," she says again. "When can we see each other again?"

"I'm not sure, but we'll see each there soon...don't worry."

"Oki! I'll let you sleep now, baby. I love you!" She ends the call before I even say anything. Just like what Nayeon said to me! Aish...those flirts.

I take a short shower and head to bed with a smile after the exciting day.

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