Ch. 30 - Best Morning <3

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"The next time you come here, we should go to the roof top together. The view there is awesome." I look at her. She enjoyed the view as much as me.

"I'll wait for that time to come." She smiles genuinely. That smile of hers.

I wake up with my arms over my pillow. Well I thought it was my pillow. I lift up and see my arm wrapped over Mina. I slide my arm but then I notice my hand was gripping her waist under her shirt. What's wrong with me!?

I take my arm out slowly but by instinct, she grabs it back and wraps my arm over her again. I stop breathing, trying my hardest not to have a heart attack. I grab my phone from the night stand using my other arm and it's 8 am.

I need to get ready to make breakfast for the 10 kids.

"Ah...Unnie? I need to make breakfast." I whisper.

"Stay for a while." She says sleepily.

I didn't respond back and just laid down. She snuggled her back on me. Her breathing turns slow and calm, I guess she fell asleep again.

Shoot. I really can't get out now. 30 minutes passed and we've been in the same position. I move my arm and I stand up quickly. I stretch my limbs and my legs and go to the bathroom.

I come back and I see Mina sitting on the bed with my blanket wrapped around her. So cute!

"Goodmorning~" Mina says as she yawns.

I run to her and give her a kiss on her forehead. She looks up to me smiling wide.

I walk out of the room to make some breakfast. I'm thinking of making an American breakfast for the girls. I'm sure they'll like it.

I make pancakes, waffles, bacon, and scrambled eggs. It took almost an hour to make. The kitchen smells like heaven!

I go to the second room.

"Goodmorning! Breakfast is ready." I say to Sana, Dahyun, and Momo.

Sana rises up from the bed as if she didn't just wake up.
"Y/N-chan!" She says excitedly. "Come here."

I walk over to her and she places a soft kiss on my cheek. I know my cheeks are red, I just know it.

I go to the other side of the bed with Momo and Dahyun and told them to wake up.

"Food!?" Momo says waking up from her deep sleep.

"Yup! American breakfast."

The three girls jump from the bed and headed to the dining room.

I walk out of the room and I see all the girls already seated with their plates. I giggle and tell them to dig in.

Everyone finished eating and all the plates are basically empty. They all groan from being full. They kept on whining about how good it was, making me laugh the whole time.

"Y/N-chan," Momo says turning to me. Now she's calling me it too? "Do you two have a break coming soon?"

"Yeah, we do! One more week of school and then we'll have two weeks off." Everyone smiles brightly after hearing. Everyone made happy and cheerful noises.

"Speaking of break...I think my family is coming to stay here for a bit!" I smile broadly.

Everyone smiled with me because they knew how much I miss them. Even if I don't even say it.

"Can we meet them?" Tzuyu asked with a bright smile.

"For sure! I'm sure my mom will love to meet you all. I talked a lot about you guys." I exposed myself without even meaning to!

A soft smile grew on everyone's face. It made me happy. Seeing them smile like this gave me a comforting feeling.

Speaking of the devil, my phone rang. I grab it and it's my brother!

"Yeobo-" my brother said on the other side.

"Jaeyeon! I missed you so much!" I basically yelled.

"Y/N! I missed you as well. How are you?" He asked in English, the same excited way as me.

"Great! I'm with many of my friends right now, we just had a sleep over." I smile at the girls who seem to be eavesdropping the conversation.

"That's wonderful." He speaks modestly. "I need to tell you something.." his excited tone lessened, giving me suspense.
"We're coming to Seoul in two weeks!" He yelled into the call.

"It's official!? YES!" A huge smile plastered was plastered on my face. Today truly cannot get any better.

"Yes! For 5 days. It might sound short but we'll make the best of it! I cant wait to see my little tiny sister again." He teased making me annoyed.

"You haven't changed from the annoying older brother stage, huh?" I laughed.

"Not at all. Can't wait to see how short you are." Jaeyeon practically laughed in my face, even if it wasn't a facetime call.

"I'm literally 5'8! Shut up!" I say teasingly. Times like these were very disliked, but were great memories.

"I have to go now, I have a meeting with a few important people. Wish me luck." Jayeon said.

"Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great. See you soon, Jae!" I end the call still smiling.

I put my phone away and look towards the girls who seemed to be more happier than me. All 10 of them run to me extending their arms. I was being hugged, well squished, by them as they circled around me.

"What's this for?" I ask difficulty because I can barely breathe in this bear hug.

"You're awesome, Y/N." One of them say. I can't see exactly who. Probably Chae or Dahyun.

"You make me fall more and more in love with you!" I know who exactly said that. Sanake herself.

"I'm so happy for you." One of them say who's behind me. Tzuyu said that.

They all hit me with compliments which made me very confused but very happy!

"Thank you, girls. Seriously." They all let go of the big hug and smiled.

After the heartfelt moment we had, everyone left to get ready for whatever plans we'll have for the day.

Started at an Arcade [Twice x fem reader &lt;3]Where stories live. Discover now