Ch. 36 - Spring Break

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The rest of the day, I relaxed in my condo. Today was extremely fun and I hope to do that again someday.

"Good morning, Yves!" I exclaimed once she got in the passenger seat. I just parked in front of her house so we can drive to school.

"Good morning." She yawned.


"Yup. We came home late and I went to sleep when we stepped foot in the house." She rubbed her eyes.

I flicked her forehead slightly hard but lightly enough to not make her throw me out of my own car.

"Ow! What was that for?!" She grew an angry face and straightened her back. Almost ready to slap me back to another decade.

"So you can wake up. I think it worked." I raised my eyebrows up and down.

"Thanks, Y/N. I missed you too." She huffed and I laughed it off. The rest of the car ride to the university was her telling about her trip with her family. She seemed to enjoy it a lot, I'm glad she did.

We reached the university and we saw Jinsoul and Chuu. It seemed like forever since we saw them. The weekend felt long.

"Hi!" Chuu jumps up and down softly.

"Hi Chuu!" Yves messed up Chuu's hair playfully causing Chuu to make a pout.

"Hi, Jinsoul!" I said excitedly.

"Y/N!" Jinsoul wrapped me into a hug, laying her head down on my shoulder.
"How was your weekend? Did you and Sana-"

"No! Don't say anything." I covered her mouth with my right palm and her eyes curved from a teasing smile.

"How about Nayeon? Did you-" Chuu joined the conversation and I covered her mouth with my left palm. Now both my arms are raised to shut the two girls up.

"We did nothing." I say calmly with a smuggish smile so they can be confused.

I let go of my hands off their faces and right when they were going to shout at me, the bell rang for us to get to class. We all laugh and walk to homeroom.

The rest of the school day and the 3 weeks after that (Friday Now) were normal. This week is the last week before spring break, and my family is also staying for a few days! I'm so excited.
(2 weeks has past since the sleepover and the JYP practice room)


"Okay, Unnie. Thank you, you too." I end the call with a huge smile after the call with Tzuyu who was asking about my week.

"Who was that?" Yves asked as we left to our last class.

"Tzuyu." I smile brightly.

Today's the start of spring break! When the last bell rang, everyone shouted in joy that break started.

I had to stay a little bit after the last class so Yves went ahead to find Chuu.

Before I left the classroom, I had 3 girls come up to me asking if I was busy during spring break so we could hang out. I don't even know their names so it was awkward. I told them my family was coming and I wanted to spend it with them. I also wanted to spend time with Twice, but I didn't say that part.

Jinsoul teased me as I walked out the classroom because she witnessed everything.

"I told you." Jinsoul shoved my shoulder. She was hinting about when she said (on the day we first met) that girls were scared to walk up to me because they'll think I'll reject them.

"They asked at a wrong time, that's it." I ruffled my hair to fix it.
"I don't even know their names."

"One of them is Son Hyejoo and the other was Kim Hyunjin. The shorter girl seemed to be Park Gowon." She answered as we walked to the doors of the building.

"You know them?"

"I mean, since they're in our homeroom class, I think I know their names." She said sarcastically. They were in our homeroom class too? How do I not know any of this? Do I not pay attention to my classmates?

"You didn't know they were in our class, didn't you?"

I hummed as a response, and we laughed our way outside.

"Y/N!" Chuu walked up to me and gave a sweet smile.
"What the hell took you two so long?"

I flinched at the use of her words. She wouldn't even say heck before!
"Mianhe~, girls approached me suddenly. That's all."

"Not surprised." Yves added.

The three girls laughed except for me. Am I really that oblivious?


I dropped Jinsoul and Chuu off because I insisted to and Yves stayed with me in the condo like the usual. It was 4 pm and me and Yves were chilling watching our favorite anime (what're you and Yves watching :]?)

Suddenly a doorbell following with a few small knocks came from the front door.

I walked over to the door and opened it. And to my surprised, it was a penguin!

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