Ch. 51 - Lyrics

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"Oh, Y/N! Have you thought of any lyrics yet?" Jihyo asked with her head rested on her palm.

"Sort of." I shrugged.

"What does that mean?" Tzuyu giggled.

Flashback (: -
The Day after the 2nd JYP Visit (when Y/N was offered to write lyrics for Twice)

** after the JYP second visit, the time skipped 2 days after. Which was when family was coming back to Korea. This is before the time skip!! **

I sat myself down on my desk, tapping the pen on my chin repeatedly. I had sentences being formed in my mind which I couldn't help but write down. Luckily, I thought of one that spiked a great interest in me.

'I want you to cry, cry for me.'
Were the first lyrics I wrote down onto my song book. Which I haven't opened in a long time!

The theme I was going for was heartbreak; filled with a mix of emotions, most importantly sadness. That feeling.

I nodded in great satisfaction.

End of Flashback :D

"I just have a chorus down." I replied.

"Well.. what is it!?" Jeongyeon questioned. The 8 girls nodded, eagerly wanting to know.

"'I want you to cry, cry for me.'" I sung to them. (Y/N sung it the way it is being sung in the song btw!!)

Everyone sat still, their mouths dropped and their eyes were blank.

"Uh..maybe I should've kept it a secret for now." I scratched the back of my neck, which wasn't even itchy.

Momo, who was STILL sitting on my lap stared blankly at me. It was awkward, someone please take this beautiful woman off of me. ;-;

"That was so good!" Sana squealed, she jumped up and down and wiggled her hands.

"You can sing too!!!!!????????!!!!" Nayeon shouted.

"Y/N, you're wonderful at singing! Sing more!" Jihyo smiled brightly.

"Daebak! How hot can you get?" Momo asked, getting off my lap. Finally! I was this close to screaming because of how pretty she was, but I kept my cool.

"Thank you, girls." I smiled, "I'll have this song down in no time. I think I really got this."

"Of course you do!" Chaeyoung added.

"Jeon J, our lyricist!" Tofu squealed.

A/N: Someone commented that the stage name (public name) could just be J ... so you have the choice to use Jeon J or J.

J could mean the first letter of Jeon, which is the last name of Y/N! Feel free to use whichever!

You have the choice to choose. Thank you reader for suggesting this :]

I blushed and smiled so much from these never-ending compliments. Gosh, I really love them so much!!


We talked about all sorts of things and did a lot in just under 2 hours. During my time there, Yves FaceTimed me while she was at a cool store but she didn't know I was currently with Twice.

* Yves's camping trip with her family was coming to an end and they're coming back home tomorrow. On April 19, (the day after tomorrow), my family and Yves's family are going to hang out!

She had bunny ears on and she called me so I can laugh at her. But instead, I had all the girls look at my phone and look at Yves looking like a bunny. The squeals and cute compliments Twice gave to Yves almost made Yves have a heart attack. (Heart Attack by Chuu LOL )

The face she made when she realized it was not me who answered was drop dead hilarious! Twice were so glad to see Yves, especially in a very cute bunny form. Nayeon even gave Yves the nickname "Bunnyves" and "Bunny #2" since Nayeon is "Bunny #1".


9:45 PM

I arrived back to the condo and washed myself up for bed. In just a span of one day, I did so much stuff. I went to all these type of places with my family and hang out with Twice to end the day happily. :D

Jaeyeon and Dad slept in the extra bedroom and Mom slept in my room. I slid into the bed as quiet as possible to prevent her from waking up.

I soon entered my dream land, with a huge smile plastered on my face.

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