Ch. 29 - Minari <3

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We all talk to each other in smaller groups. I walk over to my big window alone admiring Seoul. Buildings having holes of light because of the windows, street lights glowing, cars passing by to wherever location.

This day was awesome and it's not even over yet.

It's almost 1 am. I think everyone's energy was used up for the rest of the night. Everyone chose where they'll be able to sleep, everyone except for Yves argued that they'll sleep with me tonight. But me and Mina both know she'll be sleeping with me.

Everyone chose where to sleep. I had an extra bedroom I stored my clothes in. No one rarely goes in it. Three girls chose to sleep in the extra room.

The others chose to sleep in the spacious living room. Everyone was ready to fall asleep and enter their dream land.

Before Sana went to the extra bedroom, she said to me in Japanese, "I'll dream of you, Y/N-chan." She walked to the room before I could even answer.

I walk over to Mina who seems a bit shy to walk into my room to sleep in.

I walk in first telling her to come in. She follows.

"Unnie, I'm just gonna take a quick bath." I go to my closet to get some clothes. I didn't notice but she followed me in there.

"Y/N, can I...wear your sweater?" She asks quietly.

"Ah, yeah sure!" I grab a comfy sweater and hand it to her.

I walk out of the closet and I go inside my bathroom

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I walk out of the closet and I go inside my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror.

"Jeon Y/N. You are crazy." I mumble. I take my clothes off and turned on the shower.

Mina POV
I put on Y/N's sweater that smelled exactly like her. The smell of lavender and vanilla mixed. I look over to her mirror and giggle. This sweater is huge on me!

I don't want to be nosy...but I couldn't stop myself from examining her room. I pick up a picture frame of her as a baby. So cute! Her chubby cheeks~!

I walk over to her desk that had a computer. I pick up a few things close to her computer, accidentally moving the mouse which made the computer turn on. The computer wasn't shut down correctly so it was still on tabs that Y/N was last on.

TWICE REALITY "Time to Twice" Arcade Hangout Ep. 1

I smile wide; I'm happy to know Y/N watched Twice's videos. Our own Once~

I hear the bathroom door open and I flinch, snapping back to reality.

Y/N walks out with only a bra and sweatpants on making me take a glance but to look away right after. She had visible abs with a very nice athletic body. Her hair is messy and wet from the shower.

"I forgot to get a sweatshirt." Y/N says embarrassed.

"Ah, it's okay. I don't mind." I reply. It's true. I really don't mind! ;D
"Did you enjoy the video?" I say as she walks in her huge closest.

"Yup! It was really funny." She says a little muffled since she's in the closet. "When Nayeon lost against Tzuyu! That was so funny. The look on her face." Her voice gets less muffled when she walks out from the closet with a sweatshirt on.

I smile after hearing that reply, "Hehe yeah~. Nayeon didn't even want to be next to Tzuyu."

Y/N laughs. She looks like a teddy bear! She looks so comfy with her pajamas.

Y/N closes the door so no one from the living room who is asleep will hear us. Now, it was just me and her alone.

"Are you tired, Mina?" She asks innocently.

Why would she ask that after closing the door!? That makes it look extremely...

"I..I didn't mean it like that!" She scratches her head. "I just want to know." It was like she knew what I was thinking.

"No-no worries! I'm not really tired, I think I'm the only one who didn't use all of my energy."

"Hehe yeah. Me too." She runs her wet hair back to not cover her face.

Oh my God that was so hot.

Me and Y/N talk about things we're interested in. She got to know much more about me, since we're in a very calm and quiet atmosphere. I really enjoyed her company and how she listens so attentively. Never wanting to miss a detail of what I say. That's one of her main charms.

"Wow, that's really cool!" Y/N says after I explain how I defeated the ender dragon on Minecraft.
"We should play someday together. I have it on my computer :)"

"I'd love to!" I answer.

"Y/N-chan," I say out of no where. Her reaction to me calling her chan was so cute! "Why don't you come with us when we practice in our dance room next time?"

"Uh-wah- sure! That seems really fun." Her expression turns slightly confused. "Is it allowed?"

"Of course. You and Yves were never the type to talk about us being idols." I say calmly, breaking a smile. "You treated us like normal people. Something we all wanted, needed."
"We'll enjoy your company."

Mina is right. We never asked about their idol life, the life people always see on camera. We got to know the true them. Yeah, there were definitely times where me and Yves went crazy after remembering we're friends with Twice. But it didn't ruin the genuine friendship we had with them.

Hearing her say that gave me some sort of comfort, I hope she feels the same way.

"I'm glad." I say vaguely. "I'm glad me and Yves can be an escape for you girls. I never dealt the popularity like this in public, well except for school with girls," I giggled to enlighten the mood, "but I know how tiring it can be for you. For the girls." I notice the sad expression that grew on the penguin's face.
"Mina? Are you okay?"

Mina walks up to me with her head down and hugs me. She hugs me tight as I do the exact same.

"Thank you, Y/N." She buried her face onto my shoulder which made her words muffled. She tears a bit after telling her how I understand her and how she felt.

"Of course, Minari." After I said these 3 words, she seemed to sob even more.

"Something about you." Mina looks up to me with her diamond shining eyes. I awe at such view.
"I really mean it. When I say thank you." She whispers softly, sending small shivers down my spine.

I rub her tears that were still falling down and placed a kiss on her cheek. She calmed down little by little after the short action I did.

We were in the middle of my room, hugging each other like there was no tomorrow. The silence was comforting, the view of my huge glass window gave this a romantic feeling. It was like this for a few minutes.

Mina lets go and her face gleamed. She smiled broadly and walked over to the window to enjoy the view.

"The next time you come here, we should go to the roof top. The view there is awesome." I look at her. She enjoyed the view as much as me.

"I'll wait for that time to come." She smiles genuinely. That smile of hers.

Started at an Arcade [Twice x fem reader &lt;3]Where stories live. Discover now