Ch. 49 - Yacht

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"Sweetheart, she's in love with you. Let her say that if she chooses to."

"Mom D; !" Y/N whined.

"Unnie, I'll call you back later." I took my phone back from Mom and ended the call.

"So, you have a girlfriend?" Mom asked.

"Wha- ......"

All that bickering and the nonstop questions from Mom, and even some from Jaeyeon and Dad didn't seem to end.

We arrived to my condo, thankfully, and we took their luggages in.

They settled their stuff down and they cleaned themselves up. I decided to Facetime Nayeon back.

Calling Nayeon 🐰...

She answers and a cute bunny appears on my screen.

"Hi Unnie

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"Hi Unnie." I smiled softly. And then I remembered why I called her.
"Why did you call me earlier?"

"I just wanted to talk to you, I missed you! I haven't seen you in forever.." She said and her eye smile dropped.

"You saw me 2 days ago!" I sighed with a small giggle, "I missed you too."

Her eyes curved once again and made me feel a nice wave of relief, I love seeing her smile.

"I really love your mom. When can I see her?"

"Maybe the day after tomorrow. The rest of the girls can see her as well."

"Hehe okay~. I can't wait to see the mother who raised the love of my life!!" She exclaimed.

My cheeks turn insanely red, how does she say these things so easily?

"Yah! Unnie.."

"You don't have to say anything, Y/N. You're just so cute when I say these things."

Behind me, Jaeyeon showed up.

"Y/N, who's she?"

"Her girlfriend." Mom said as she walked in and out of my room.

"Mom!" I whined again.

I looked back to my phone and see a cute bunny smiling like crazy.


11 AM

Mom said she'll save tomorrow to visit the managers and the restaurants of DOAI (Dream of Asia Industry). They're like family as well so she wants to visit them and see how they're all doing. Jaeyeon is going to visit his childhood friends which I'm really excited about. Dad is going to accompany Mom but he said he'll visit his friends at a fancy golf park. One of those friends will be Uncle Jinyoung!

After my family had settled down and put their clothes to where they belong, we left the condo to whichever place they choose to go.

We alternated in driving but Jaeyeon was the most scared cause he's not used to it because it isn't the exact same like in America.

Mom was driving this time to our third stop: a yacht trip. The yacht was docked at a harbor. My parents enjoy luxury, I don't blame them though. I, on the other hand, do not love it as much. But when I experience something like this, how can I complain!? :D

We arrived at the harbor and boarded the yacht. The yacht is owned by Mr. Martinez, a friend of my family.

Mr. Martinez owns this popular yacht company which was passed from his parents, and then later onto his children. As you may have already noticed, Martinez isn't a Korean last name. He's Mexican but he was born here in Korea. His parents moved to Korea because the company did well in the country.

We walked to the front of the yacht and relaxed near the railings to enjoy the view of the ocean.

"Jinho, Sunhee! My favorite passengers. When did you arrive here in Korea?" Mr. Martinez asked as he gave my parents a welcoming hug.

"This morning! We decided to stop by here, beautiful weather outside so why not go on a yacht? Let's catch up together!" Dad pleasantly said.

Me and Jaeyeon relaxed together and we talked more about life and what's been happening recently. One nice thing about him, despite his older brother humor, is that he is a really down-to-earth guy.

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