Original Song

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"Guys, I've got some bad news." Mr. Schue announced in the first Glee meeting of the week. "You know how we decided on Sing by My Chemical Romance for Regionals. Well, I hold in my hand a cease and desist letter from the band. We can't do it."

"Ugh, it was the perfect anthem." Puck said, rolling his eyes.

"How much do you wanna bet coach Sylvester had something to do with this?" Mercedes spoke up, as Lexi nodded in agreement.

"Oh she definitely had something to do with it." Lexi said, folding her arms.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Mercedes asked.

"I think... We should write original songs for Regionals." Rachel suggested, as Lexi and Santana groaned.

"All those in favor of voting Rachel down a second time?" Santana asked, as the group raised their hands.

Lexi was surprised when Quinn spoke up. "No, I think Rachel's right." Quinn agreed with the brunette. "This team works best when we push ourselves and do something a little different."

"Well, that's true, but if all the other teams are doing amazing songs... We're not gonna be so good." Mercedes tried to argue, as Quinn only shook her head in return.

"You're right, we're not gonna be as good. We're gonna be better. We won't be using other peoples' words or music. It'll be our own. Our own heart, soul, not just our voices. We have a really talented songwriter in our midst. Rachel? I was thinking maybe you and I could write a song together."

At that, Lexi frowned, still shocked that Quinn was siding with Rachel. She assumed that Quinn had a plan to hurt Rachel, but she could really care less. She watched as Quinn smiled at Rachel, while Rachel returned the smile. The whole Glee club was silent, trying to process everything, until Finn decided to speak, breaking the silence.

"I'm with Quinn and Rachel." He said.

"Of course you are, because she's your girlfriend." Lexi commented aloud.

"I mean, if these two can agree on something it's probably an idea worth considering." Finn continued, ignoring Lexi's comment.

"W-wait, wait." Santana interjected, as the group turned to look at her. "So, suddenly you two are writing the music for Regionals?" She asked, before shaking her head in disapproval. "No way. I think that everyone should get a chance to write a song."

"Santana's right, we can do this." Sam agreed, as Lexi wanted to roll her eyes. The two -meaning Sam and Santana were still kind of together. They weren't official. Sam was letting Santana take advantage of him still, and it was annoying the crap out of Lexi.

"What do you think, Mr. Schue?" Mercedes asked, as she turned to their teacher, who took a moment to contemplate, but smiled after he had thought it out.

"I think we're doing original songs for Regionals."


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