A Katy or a Gaga

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5x4 ~ A KATY OR A GAGA ~
Lexi was walking down the hallway towards Glee, after her astronomy club. She smiled when Kitty joined her, linking her arms through hers.

"Hey Kitty." She smiled, as the younger girl chuckled.

"Hey Lex." Kitty smiled. "How are you holding up? You've been pretty quiet...even during Cheerios practice I noticed your quieter demeanor."

"You know, I'm managing in the easiest way I can." Lexi shrugged. "I mean, I went through this a few months ago with my mom, so grief is not an unfamiliar feeling."

"Are you sleeping or eating at all?" Kitty asked, concerned.

"I'm getting enough sleep. I've also begun eating the standard amount of food that should be consumed." Lexi answered.

"Well, if you do need anything, even a cheesy late night dance party in the kitchen, call me." Kitty smiled, as Lexi nodded. "We don't need men to define our lives 24/7, and yes, I'm talking about your man."

"Okay, I got that." Lexi smiled, leaning her head against Kitty's shoulder, as they entered the choir room together.

When they got in, Lexi walked up to Sam who smiled, pulling her in for a hug, and kissing her cheek, before they turned their attention to Mr. Schue.

"All right, big week, guys." Their teacher said. "Come on. Gather around. I have here in my hand...drumroll, please...a secret list of the show choirs that we will be in competition with at nationals."

At that news, everyone gasped, rather curious and eager to see who they'd be in competition with at nationals.

"Okay, let's see what we've got." Mr. Schue said, as he scanned the list. "We've got the Rust-Belters from Pittsburg, the Thunder Showcats from Gainesville, and finally, from Fort Wayne, Throat Explosion."

Tina was the most unimpressed. "No! Why, god?!" She screamed, scaring everyone, while causing Artie to almost break out laughing.

"Throat Explosion? That's a joke, right?" Lexi asked with a frown.

"It's anything but." Blaine answered. "They're the new supergroup the show choir underground's been buzzing about. Their budgets for costume, makeup, hair alone are astronomical. You guys have read that Malcolm Gladwell book. So, Gladwell says you can't possibly master anything unless you've spent 10,000 hours practicing it. So students can't even join Throat Explosion without proving they've logged in 10,000 hours of show choir rehearsal. They don't even go to class. They just perform, every minute of every day. They live their art. They know no boundaries. They're constantly pushing the envelope, living and performing on the edge. They're like mini Lady Gagas."

"We're so screwed...they're not like Vocal Adrenaline, who were unfeeling borg robots. They're toal outsiders, and misfits, which used to be our niche. We can't compete with Throat Explosion anymore at that level because we lost our biggest gaga when Kurt graduated last year."

"Look around." Tina said, crossing her arms, as she looked at every person. "We're a room full of, like, Katy Perrys' now."

"Oh, you best check your spectrum, queen T, because orange is the new black, and Unique is the new Gaga."

"Well, not Marley..." Tina pointed out, causing Marley to look a tad bit offended. "She's a Katy Perry. So is Sam, so is Blaine, and so is Lexi."

"I'm a Katy Perry and I'm proud of it." Marley answered, as Lexi nodded in agreement.

"Uh, the truth is, Tina. We're a potent mix of Katy Perrys' and Lady Gagas' in here. But it's not a liability...It's the way we're gonna beat Throat Explosion. Some of us in here are, you know, ambi-edge."

"I swore I've never seen that word in the dictionary, nor has someone ever utilized it in a conversation or making a point." Lexi spoke up.

"You just made that up." Artie commented, in agreement.

"Uh, some of us are more, you know, wholesome, innocent, romantic, all-American girl and boy next door types. Uh, who in here would describe themselves as a Gaga?"

At that, Kitty, Tina, Unique, and Jake raised their hands, and Lexi had to agree with the hands that shot up, although, weren't they kind of all Gagas'?

"Okay, great." Mr. Schue nodded. "And the rest of you are Katys'?"

"Is there a third option?"

'We're gonna mix it up a little bit. We're turning our weakness into strengths. This week, the Katys' will get their Gaga on, and the Gagas will bring the Katy. Throat Explosion does their one thing very, very well, but we need to be able to do both, impeccably, or else we're not gonna have chance in hell of winning Nationals this year.''
Blaine jumped when he saw Sam standing by his locker. "What's up now?" He asked, as Sam sighed.

"It's Lexi."

'What about her?" Blaine asked.

"I need your help cheering her up." Sam answered. "I'm worried about her. She hasn't been smiling as much, and she's been more distant than when she lost her mom."

"I'm worried about her too, man." Blaine replied, as they began walking down the hallway together.

"I've been doing everything I possibly could, but not even True Jackson could increase her mood. Usually she laughs and smiles while watching it, but last night, and the night before, she sat there emotionless."

"Hold up, True Jackson VP?" Blaine asked, a little shocked. "Is that even on anymore?"

"No, it got canceled. Evidently, the people at Nickelodeon don't care about quality entertainment." Sam answered, as he saw his friend holding in a laugh.

"Don't judge me, dude, okay?" Sam exclaimed, slightly offended. "I'm bad-ass. I play football and guitar and I've been hillbilly handfishing."

"Wait, handfishing?" Blaine asked.

"Yes, seriously, dude keep up." Sam urged. "I need to make her happy, she matters to me, and I'll do anything to see her genuinely smile again."

"And I thought Brittany's downward spiral during 2.0 week was bad." Blaine muttered, before turning to his friend. "I have an idea."

"Really?" Sam asked, his smile growing at the prospect of making Lexi happy again.

"Yes." Blaine nodded. "Seeing that Lexi is a Katy, like the two of us, and this week the assignment is Katy versus Gaga, why don't we use this as a way to make her happy again. Because, we both know she loves competing, and winning? She would be overjoyed if we won this competition."

"You are a complete genius." Sam smiled, before walking the other direction.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to start working to ensure we win this competition." Sam answered, as he disappeared around the corridor.

Blaine sighed, as he watched him walk away, hoping to any god that existed that whatever crazy plans Sam had, were executed correctly, and that maybe, just maybe, they could see Lexi smile again.

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