The Quarterback

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A/N: I stayed up crying and writing this until 2 in the was worth it. I advise you to bring tissues, and if you cry, let it out. It's valid.
Ever since Lexi and Sam had received the upsetting phone call from Carol three weeks ago, both of them had been mourning the loss. They refused to believe it was real, especially Lexi. It seemed like only yesterday that her and Finn had laughed and chatted on the phone. "I love you" were his last words to her, and that was something she'd always cherish.

For now, she was struggling, and she was devastated. Losing Sara earlier that year was one traumatizing experience, but losing a close friend that felt like a brother? It only increased the weight on her shoulders. She hadn't slept in forever, she hadn't eaten as much food as the average human should consume, and she had locked herself in her bedroom for a week. A week where she stayed in bed, ate some food, and cried. She let herself feel, and cry it all out. Luckily, Sam was there for her the whole time, although the past few days, she hadn't really spoken to him, which he could understand. She needed time to grieve.

At the current moment, she sat back in the choir room, along with the New Directions, past and current. She hadn't been in the room for about a month. She felt estranged, yet it was an odd sort of comfort, although she would hear Finn's voice whenever she'd turn to see his chair which was empty. That didn't benefit the grieving in any plausible way.

She watched as Mr. Schue wrote Finn's name up on the board, before he turned to look at the group. Usually, he wore a smile on his face, but this time, it was a mixture of pain and sadness. He knew how much the group was mourning. He gently spoke up, afraid to interfere with the painful silence.

"I'm really glad so many of you could make it back for this."

"We wouldn't miss it for anything, Mr. Schue." Mike assured him quietly.

"The funeral was for everyone, but I wanted to do something just for us. To memorialize him the only way we know singing. All week long. Anyone who wants to come up and sing. Maybe a song he sang, maybe something that reminds you of him..."

"Singing isn't going to bring him back." Puck pointed out, pain evident in his voice.

At that, Lexi silently agreed...and besides, everyone grieved and processed death differently. There were some who suppressed their feelings. Some would project their anger onto others unintentionally, and some would sit their crying out, until they felt empty.

"No, it's not. Nothing is. Not ever." Mr. Schue nodded. "But...for two minutes or so, we can all maybe remember the best parts of him. So, think of what you want to sing, if you want to sing, and we'll start tomorrow."

Mercedes let out a quiet sigh, before she stood up. "Oh, I-I can't wait until tomorrow, Mr. Schue. I've been bawling for three weeks. If I don't get this all out now, I don't think I'll ever stop crying."

"Sure, Mercedes." Mr. Schue nodded, sending her a sad smile. "Start us off."

Once she walked to the middle of the room, she took a minute, before she spoke again. "ummm...I, uh, remember Finn telling me that he sang this song to his baby's sonogram. Well, he thought it was his baby." She added, as some of the group chuckled at the memory. Although, it seemed to pain Puck, because he looked down at the floor, at the mention of the memory.

"He was the first cool kid to be nice to any of us, and he was our leader in here." Mercedes said, as she glanced up at the sky. "We love you, Finn."

{I'll Stand By You - Sung by Mercedes Jones}

" {I'll Stand By You - Sung by Mercedes Jones}---------

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