"You Belong With Me"

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Song: 'You Belong With Me' By: Taylor Swift
*I thought it would be cute to do this song since Lucas was in the music video as the love interest haha*


"If you could see that I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So, why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me"

You were currently in the war room, your iPad being clutched tightly in your hands. Matty was yelling at you to hurry up and find them a new exfil. You hadn't been working there long, but in the few months that you had been working there you were always kept busy by Matty and the team. You were the tech nerd that got them out of dangerous situations. You admired all of then though for being the ones in the actual field, especially Mac. You hated to admit it but, you had grown feelings for him these past five months. You couldn't tell him, not that you had the courage to do so, but he was with Desi. There was no way you could even compare to her, she was gorgeous and a badass in the field. However, you couldn't help but notice they were always arguing in the field and when they came home. Leaving you to wonder, if maybe you did have a chance, but Desi was also your friend. How would it look if you went after your friends ex, if they broke up? You stopped your thoughts, getting ahead of yourself. You didn't even know if Mac would even like you in that way. Sure he was friendly with you, but he was kind to everyone. Once you got a new exfil set up the team got on the chopper and made their way home.

Down in the lab you were working on your latest side project, that Riley had helped you start. The two of you were working on it together when you could, but when she was in the field you worked on it alone. You weren't exactly a hacker like her but you knew a thing or two about computers.  As you started to type in a code you saw Mac walk inside, making your attention suddenly on him and not the computer screen. "Hey y/n." He greeted you with a smile. Suddenly glad you were sitting down since you felt your knees buckle at the sight of his smile. "Hey Mac." You greeted back, pushing your glasses back up the bridge of the nose when they started to slide down.

"I just wanted to come thank you for getting us out of there, it was pretty close." He said as he took a seat on the metal stool next to yours. You bashfully looked away from him, trying to hide your cheeks from him "It's no big deal. Just doing my job." Mac smiled at your modesty "Still, thank you. I know without you doing your job the team wouldn't still be here. I'm sorry the first exfil got ruined, I don't normally point fingers when things go south but..." He trailed off and let out a frustrated sigh before continuing "Desi just thinks she knows best, and she's the reason the first one got blown. She didn't listen to me....she never does." He whispered that last part under his breath but you heard it.

"I'm sorry if it seems I only come and talk to you when I want to rant about Desi. Your just the only one that will listen without judging me, or telling me how I should handle things. Riley and Bozer are too close to her to hear me out. They think I'm always asking them to choose sides but I'm not. I just want to be heard, ya know?" You listened intently to what he was saying and you just nodded your head "I get it. I'm always here for you Mac, you know this." That caused the gorgeous blue eyed man in front of you to smile even wider as he looked up at you "I know." Then there was a brief moment when you thought you were both feeling something. Something in the air had shifted and you were both just getting lost in eachothers eyes, this moment that was happening was making your heart race. You could've swore you saw him start to lean in, but the moment was quickly ruined when your computer made a beeping noise. Startling you both, Mac began to back up slowly while clearing his throat "Um I should go. Sorry to bother you, I know your working on that project with Riley. I'll let you get back to it." Before you could even say anything back he was out the door in a instant. You sat there dumbfounded at what almost happened, and you glared at your computer "Thanks for that." Talking to the inanimate object, as it just showed on the screen 'Upload Complete'.

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