Undercover Antics

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"Your joking right?" Your unamused tone didn't register well with Matty, who was staring you down, or in her case up, as she furrowed her brows in annoyance.

"No I'm not joking y/n, you and Mac are our best option at finding out who is behind these arms dealer trades. So suck it up and do your job." She ordered before sauntering out of the war room, leaving you and Mac alone.

For however it takes to complete this mission, you and Mac would be going undercover as a married couple. Apparently in a suburban neighborhood located in Albuquerque, New Mexico there was rumored to be a married couple posing as a normal everyday boring couple. However, they were selling rifles and automatic weapons even grenades to the highest bidder on the black market. What brought the Phoenix into the loop was the talk of them upping the anty to now selling bio weapons. Matty was determined to put a stop to all of this.

Hence this absurd plan of hers, you were beyond displeased with this plan. Sure they needed to be stopped but she could do it alone. She didn't need back up unlike Mac who constantly always had Jack babysitting him. It's not that she hated Mac, they just sometimes didn't get along. They each had their own way of operating, which would lead to many times of bickering in the field.

You let out an exasperated sigh as you mumbled under your breath "Great."

Mac grumbled as well afterwards and had his hands firmly resting on his hips "Ya know, I'm not too happy about this either but you don't have to sound so disguisted by the idea y/n. I'd be a catch to have as a fake husband."

You couldn't help but scoff, throwing your head back in laughter "Ya right! What do I have to look forward to the most while living with you Mac? Is it the fact that you'll be playing with another one of your stupid paperclips the entire time? Cause ya know that obsession sure is sexy." The sarcasm evident in your voice.

Mac grunted in aggravation as he jotted his chin out forward towards you "Oh yeah what about you miss perfect? What do I have to look forward to? Mm? Is it your constant knuckle cracking?! Oh no I know, maybe it's your need to always be right? Or! Maybe even that annoying habit when your chewing gum and are constantly popping it all the time!"

"Hey! I only said one thing about you not three you inconsiderate jerk! God! Let's get this over with!" You yelled, as you stormed out of the war room with Mac hot on your heels.


Before you knew it, you and Mac were in the living room of your now shared suburban home for the forcible future, while setting up all the equipment Riley had gotten for you guys. The coffee table in the center of the room, now having two laptops taking over it.

"All right, Riley said that we somehow have to get this bug into their home." You said holding up the ant sized mic on front of Mac.

Not even having a chance to reply, Mac watched as you started to walk towards the front door without him.

"Hey we need to come up with a plan first. We need to do this together, I know your used to going solo on these things but not this time."

You rolled your eyes while ignoring his little comment "I have a plan already and I don't need your help doing it. I suppose you should come along though to keep up appearances so, just stand there and look pretty and I'll do all the talking."

You heard him mumble something rudely under his breath but chose to ignore him. When the both of left the house, you began to make your way across the street to the neighboring house where the targets lived.

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