Love and Fear

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Hey everyone! Sorry I've been so absent lately, I've had alot going on in my life and with my mental health so I haven't been up to writing.
I've also decided to not do song themed Imagines anymore. I'll still be doing Macgyver imagines just not with a song title or lyrics in it. I'm just not good at picking the right song for the plot I'm going for sometimes. So I would like to just focus on the story. I hope you all still read then and enjoy ❤❤❤ thank you all for the support!

P.s this plot request is from ElizabethDodson0 :)


"Mac! Mac can you hear me? HELLO?! Riley?! Boze?! Jack?! Please answer me!" You yelled into the comm, but then suddenly a screech of static pierced through your eardrum causing you to yell out in pain, quickly taking the device out of your ear and throwing it across the room "Damnit! We lost them!"

Thorton, the teams boss tried to calm you down "I'm sure they are fine, whatever mess they are in Macs sure to get them out of it. You know how he loves to improvise. I'll reach out to some contacts and see if I can find anything out."

As you watched her leave, you fell into the chair with a worried look on your face. You should be there, with them, but yet here you were. Looking down at your broken arm that was in the blue colored cast you groaned out in frustration. You had injured yourself on a mission just last week and couldn't go back into the field until you had fully healed.

Your mind started to wander to a very dark place, thinking of the worst imaginable things that could have happened to the team. You cared about the whole team, they were your family but Mac, you thought back to how you had left things before he left. The thought of that being the last conversation you had with him make you physically nauseous.

*48 hours earlier*

You were in the war room with everyone, as they all lined up to sign your cast before heading off for the mission. Once everyone had taken there turn they said their goodbyes and left, all but Mac. He walked over to you with a sharpie in his hand, signing the cast. You watched him as he tried to avoid eye contact with you "Mac?" When he still wouldn't look at you, you knew why "I told you not to blame yourself, this isn't your fault."

The blue eyed man finally looked up into your eyes "If I hadn't been so wrapped up in making that contraption, that guy you were fighting off wouldn't have broken your arm."

"That contraption? You mean the one that saved our lives? Mac, I'm okay, it's just a broken arm. It could have been alot worse if you hadn't built that thing. I'm a big girl Mac, it's not your job to protect me, I'm trained in combat and martial arts. If anything I'm suppose to be keeping you safe out there." You frowned as you watched the man take a step back, unable to read his face.

"Your right, I'm sorry for caring." He snapped and you were now even more confused.

"So what? Now your mad at me? Make up your mind Mac, what is up with you lately? First you feel guilty then I piss you off for speaking the truth? What is bothering you? Talk to me!" You demanded, feeling your voice get louder.

Mac just stood there, not saying anything. All he did was stare at the ground, seconds went by and you got even more fed up "For the love of God Mac, talk to me! Why are you acting so hot and cold?! Please, I need to know! I mean are you seriously-"

"I'm in love with you!" He suddenly blurted out, while cutting you off mid-sentence. "Ok! There, are you happy now?! I am in love with you. So yeah, the thought of you getting hurt or worse makes me physically ill. So I'm sorry if I don't like seeing you with a broken arm. It may not be a big deal to you but it is to me."

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